Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CE Lesson on 4th August, Monday

Dear Guys,

This coming Monday, 4 Aug 08, CE lesson is based on the topic of Citizenship Education to allow us further understanding on the significance of National Day. You'll be creating an artistic expression on the theme “Celebrating the Singapore Spirit” as a class.

Items to bring for CE lesson:
1. Anything that represents the Singapore Spirit.
Example: Photographs, posters, flags, stickers, artifacts of Singapore’s places, pictures of personalities, attractions, memories or achievements.
2. Colouring materials.
Such as colour pencils, magic pens, markers, crayons.
3. Other materials.
Such as magazines (for collages), glue, and scissors.

The best artistic expression for each level stands to win prizes.
The expressions will be judged based on:
· Relevance and significance (50%)
· Aesthetic value (30%)
· Creativity (20%)

Please pack your bags with the necessary items and be ready to let your creative juices flow.

Happy National Week!!!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, July 28, 2008

Library Fines

Dear Guys,

According to library records, the following students have book(s)/fine(s) that are overdue/not paid:


Pls kindly pay up the fine and add a comment to this post when you've done so by this friday.

Thanks alot.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, July 25, 2008

Email to Parents - Events & CA2 Common Tests

Email to parents on 25th July 2008. Please inform parents regarding this email as some mails were bounced. Thanks. ;p

Dear Parents,

I hope you have had a fine week and that this email finds you well.

We're in the third term of the second semester and the boys should be preparing for their common tests by now. In order to assist and monitor your child's revision, I have posted the CA2 common test schedule on the class blog for your reference.

On the blog, you'll also get to read about the recent happenings in school, as well as, the latest events in VS and in the hyperactive class of 1G. ;p

Also, our class committee are in the midst of planning our end of year class outing. This time, we are hoping to involve more daddies, in our 'Father-Son Soccer Mania'. Of course, the mummies who feel fit to join in, may do so.

Til then, do visit our class blog for recent updates.
Have a lovely weekend.

Best regards,
Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Information for Speech Day Servers

Dear Servers,

Thank you for your volunteered services.
The following will be some information that you'll need.

1. Speech day; 2nd August 2008, Saturday.
2. Reporting time: 4pm @ 3rd level Homec Kitchen.
3. Compulsory Attire: Washed & Ironed School Uniform & School Tie. Clean socks & shoes.
4. Items to bring along: Black Apron & Bandana. (Washed clean & ironed)
5. Others: Short & neat hairstyle, Trimmed fingernails.

Depending on what time the event ends, you'll be allocated CIP hours accordingly. (Usual practice is 3 hours, but if you have served more, you'll be given the additional hours.)

I will be calling for a very brief meeting next week on monday to let you know exactly what you'll need to bring and what to practice at home. You'll be also meeting pupils from 2C who are experts in the field of serving. Many have served in last year's Speech day.

Have a great day ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, July 21, 2008

RH Day Celebrations 2008

Dear Guys,

I hope you have all enjoyed a fun-filled and meaningful RH day. This day is special and let's all ensure that we get to celebrate this day every year. ;p

Thank you those who have turned up decked in your most beautiful ethnic costumes... and to those who din but tried your very best to get one. I appreciate your efforts and am sure you did what was your best for the class.

Just in case you did not know, we were the 2nd in line to winning the class prize of the most number of ethnic participants. The 1st was 3B.. I've counted, we have 12... which frankly, already quite a number, considering many of us do not usually dress up in this form of clothing often.

Anyway, I hope you had fun and may you continue to have a great week ahead.
3 cheers for 1G!!!

Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Happy Racial Harmony Day, 1G!

Dear Guys,
We celebrate this special day, 21st July and at the same time, commemorate the Racial Riots, which took place on 21 July 1964. We must not take our peace and prosperous development in Singapore for granted as too much had been sacrificed for us to learn the hard way... that Singapore will only continue to prosper and progress through her people - her only resource. Thus, it is of outmost importance for us to practice racial harmony in our classroom, in our school, our community and in our society at large.... & appreciate that, amidst our differences, we are living in a safe, peaceful and prosperous diverse-city like Singapore. Cheers!!!
Declaration on Racial Harmony
We, the people in Singapore, declare that religious harmony is vital for peace, progress and prosperity in our multi-racial and multi-religious Nation.
We resolve to strengthen religious harmony through mutual tolerance, confidence, respect, and understanding.
We shall always...
Recognise the secular nature of our State,
Promote cohesion within our society,
Respect each other's freedom of religion,
Grow our common space while respecting our diversity,
Foster inter-religious communications,
and thereby ensure that religion will not be abused to create conflict and disharmony in Singapore.

Happy Racial Harmony Day 2008!
Have a great week ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim
p/s: Dun forget your study groups!!!

Attire for RH day - 21st July 2008, Monday

Dear Guys,

I know many of you are getting all stressed out over RH day... yes... what to wear? what to wear? ;p (I think some of the malay and indian boys are gloating over the fact that they have lots of nice stuff to wear ya? ;p) hahahah.. anyway, chill ya...

If you are willing to spend alittle bit of $$$.. there are v cheap costumes in chinatown, you might be able to buy a bigger size and wear it for the next 3 years in VS.. ;p

If you are not willing to spend... you might wanna try borrowing a sarong from a friend.. I'm sure there are no sizes for sarong, its a wrap around cloth like a towel. You just need to ensure you wear something inside.. ;p Just pair it up with a white t shirt or something. I happen to have one sarong that was worn for the dramafest by satay man.. who wants??? ;p

If you are really lost... check out daddy's wardrobe and see if you can find a mandarin collar shirt and match it with a black pants or something.. ;p that will do the trick.

If you really 'bo chup' ... and insist on wearing your uniform... well, I have no ability to force you either, to be frank. ;p If you have already tried hard to find a piece, yet to no avail... DUN STRESS!!! I am not going to break your neck for that!!! ;p

So let's see how much class spirit we've got in 1G... maybe we can win a prize or 2 from the best dressed class competition for our next class outing. ;p

It's going to be FUN!!!

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Racial Harmony Day 2008

Dear Guys,

We will be celebrating racial harmony day on 21st July 2008 (next Mon) and a line-up of activities have been planned by the RHD Committee to celebrate this very important day.

As such, we are encouraging ALL of you to don ethnic costumes next Monday as we will be having a Best Dressed Class Pageant on that day! Hence, I'll need your help to urge your friends and everyone else in your class to wear ethnic costumes to school on 21st July.
Prizes will be given to the most enthusiastic class with the most no. of students in ethnic wear. This is an excellent way to show some class 1G spirit.

Thank you and have an enjoyable, meaningful RHD 2008!

Have a great week ahead.
Dun forget to vote for your favourite RH day Sewing Projects!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, July 11, 2008

CIP - Beach Cleanup 28th July 2008

Dear Guys,

Please note that there will be CIP for the whole class on the 28th July 2008. This is done at the whole Secondary 1 level and your assigned day is as such. Should you not be able to make it on this day, you will need to check with me when are the other available dates for you. You will be required to join another class on another day that was assigned for them.

Attendance is COMPULSORY.

On this day, you will need to bring the following:
1) PE attire
2) Water bottle
3) Umbrella/sunblock lotion
4) Plastic bags (to be used as gloves)

I will be handing out consent forms next week.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, July 4, 2008

"Care with a Can" Project

Dear Guys,

For this year's Youth Day, VS is taking on the Care with a Can Project where we are appealing to all students and teachers to donate a can of food to help those in need.

We are working with Marine Parade Family Service Centre to contribute food supplies to needy households that have an income of less than $300 per month.

Please help the needy by bringing a can(s) of food and drop it at the collection point at the foyer (between the Heritage Room & the General Office) from 9 to 11 July (Wed - Fri). (Do check the expiry date!)

Your contribution will mean a lot to the needy.... So let's do alittle something as a class to help the needy!

Thank you. Your kindness is appreciated!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Happy Youth Day!!!

Happy Youth Day, Guys!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed the ice cream...
Do think about what and how you can contribute as youths to the society k.

Have a great long weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Deadlines and other info

Dear Guys,

I think there is a need to emphasize what deadlines are. There are some of you who are not able to understand the importance of meeting deadlines, or at least the courtesy to inform in advance if you cannot meet them. (Sad to say, these includes pple in the class com. )

I think all of you should learn to be responsible in carrying out your duties as a student or as a leader in the class. Learn it well now and, you'll go very far in the near future.

This is a gentle reminder to all who are involved in the skipping tomorrow and the class who are involved in the start right seminar:
1) All indemity forms not submitted to Mr Ben Khor tomorrow before the skipping will not be awarded CIP hours..
2) All edusave and consent forms are to be FULLY completed and submitted to Jonas by monday. (Spread the msg to those who do not log on to the blog.)

*** There will be a Meet-The-Parents session coming up this term. The dates are not confirmed as yet but you will be informed in due time. As for now, just let your parents know, so that they are prepared with some questions to ask.

Dun forget what I've said in the above. You are all matured boys, so as what Mr Maran would say; "Do THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT."

Have a revisionful weekend. (I should see study groups by next week...... )
Mrs Melissa Lim