Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya

Dear guys,

Firstly, am taking this chance to wish all of our muslim friends a Selamat Hari Raya. ;p

For the rest of you guys who are not celebrating the occasion, do ensure that you make good use of this short holiday to read up and revise your work for the coming examinations next week.

There is very little time left from the last countdown. I really do hope you are all very prepared for this major examination in your junior year in VS. Eat well... zzzz well...

Start mugging!!!! ;p
Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are you READY?

Dear Guys,

By the time you read this message, you would have completed 2 mock exams.
How are you feeling? Are you happy with how you have performed? Are you stressed and pressured to perform better?

I hope you are happy as you studied and you did your best for the paper. You took it like its the real paper and you did all you could to score. But I hope you are not overly happy and are complacent, because there is still the year end exams to sit for and you should be more than ready to sit for that. ;p

I do also hope you are stressed and pressured enough to perform better. You are never too good... well, if you think you are.. I'll be really upset to know that. Do however, take little breaks from your revision and breathe in alittle fresh air. Relax, listen to some light soft music that will relax your buzzing brains... zzzzz.... power naps in the afternoons can help you POWER UP! Take a short walk, enjoy the greenery and eat healthy. Green tea and junk food can make you lethargic and zap your memory. ;p

Do heed my advice and form the study groups that can help you in your learning and understanding of your work. Do not hesitate to ask questions NOW when in doubt.

Enjoy your revision! Work hard!
Mrs Melissa Lim