Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank you for the Memorable Teachers' Day!

Dear Guys,

Its been great fun doing the Limbo... love it lots...

we should have a competition for this.. will be fun! ;p


Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Email to Parents

Email to Parents...

Dear Parents of 1G,

The Ministry of Education (MOE) is conducting a research study on the English Language and Mathematics achievement of secondary school students.
Victoria School has been identified to support this study, which will involve a random selection of students having to take a test administered by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB).

The students of the following classes have been selected by MOE to take the tests are:
1C, 1G, 1H, 2D, 2F, 2I, 3C, 3F, 3G 3H.

The details of the tests are as follows:

1. Candidature
Students will take either the English Language test or the Mathematics test. NOTE: Invigilators will assign the subject that each student will take on the day of the test.

2. Test Date & Time
28 August 2008 Thursday
Secondary 1 & 2 classes 1.40pm – 3.55pm
Secondary 3 classes 2.15pm – 4.30pm

3. Venue
Students will take the test in their own classrooms.

4. Invigilators
SEAB will provide invigilators and markers for the tests.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Mrs Melissa Lim
Form Teacher of 1G
Victoria School

Monday, August 25, 2008

*** Important: Library fines and Overdued books

Dear guys,

Please note that the following students have overdue book(s)and/or fine(s).


Please be informed that these students concerned are to return/pay theirbook(s)/fine(s) at the library before friday, or they will not get back their report slips until they have done so. Spread the message.

Thank you.
Have a great week ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Are you R.E.V.I.S.I.N.G?

Dear Guys,

I am happy to note that some of you have started your revision and are studying hard.
You do not have the luxury of time so pls do start if you have yet to begin any form of revision for the year end exams.

Let me know if you need more help for planning a time table to study. Otherwise, what I have mentioned and done in class in the last FT time would be sufficient for you to get yourself started. You'll need all the motivation you can get + the determination to wanna make it. ;p Prep yourself for your revision journey and tell yourself that you'll make it, no matter how long the journey would be.

*** Important ***

I'll need your help to complete your CIP of 6 hours, so that all these can be recorded in your report slips at year end. However, the following names are people who have not completed your CIP. You'll need to see me if you want me to plan a CIP for you.

Jonah, Jeremy, Benjamin, Darwish, Deon, Hansel, Iskandar, Jonathan Hoong, Lucas, Shuai Chen, Weiquan, Weiming, Nicholas, Nikhil, Anirudh, Russell, Lip Sing, Kian Meng, Kenneth, Enquan, Timothy.

The above names have incomplete or ZERO CIP hours for year 2008.
If you think there might be a mistake, you can see me to check out or approach your teacher whom you did CIP for to confirm this.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Important SEAB test notice!!!

Dear Guys,

Pls be informed that your class have been identified by MOE for the research study on the English Language and Mathematics achievement of secondary school students.

Your class will be taking some tests administered by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB).

Details for the test is as follows:

i.On the day of the test, invigilators will assign the subject that each student will take.
ii. Test Date: 28 August 2008 (Thursday) from 1.40 - 3.55pm.

Pls spread the word to those who do not log on to the blog.
Jeremy, pls print or write this notice on the board. Thank you.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, August 4, 2008

"Care With A Can"

Dear guys,

I need you to indicate on a class list if you have contributed some food for the "Care with a Can" event by tomorrow. You may get a class list from Jonas / Kokul. Pls indicate clearly what you have contributed (e.g. Sardine, Ayam Brand or 3 cans of Campbell Soup) and sign after it.

If I do not receive any names by wednesday, I will assume that none of you have contributed.

Thank you.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, August 2, 2008

CIP - Beach Cleanup MAKEUP

Dear Guys,

Pls note that the Sec 1 CIP - Beach Cleaning make up date is on next Tuesday 5 Aug at 2.30pm for all absentees.

Pls will wait outside the General Office on that afternoon with your trashbags and see Mr David Lee, FT of Sec 1I and asst form teacher. They will be the ones who are facilitating the beach cleanup makeup for that day.

Thanks and have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim