Saturday, August 23, 2008

Are you R.E.V.I.S.I.N.G?

Dear Guys,

I am happy to note that some of you have started your revision and are studying hard.
You do not have the luxury of time so pls do start if you have yet to begin any form of revision for the year end exams.

Let me know if you need more help for planning a time table to study. Otherwise, what I have mentioned and done in class in the last FT time would be sufficient for you to get yourself started. You'll need all the motivation you can get + the determination to wanna make it. ;p Prep yourself for your revision journey and tell yourself that you'll make it, no matter how long the journey would be.

*** Important ***

I'll need your help to complete your CIP of 6 hours, so that all these can be recorded in your report slips at year end. However, the following names are people who have not completed your CIP. You'll need to see me if you want me to plan a CIP for you.

Jonah, Jeremy, Benjamin, Darwish, Deon, Hansel, Iskandar, Jonathan Hoong, Lucas, Shuai Chen, Weiquan, Weiming, Nicholas, Nikhil, Anirudh, Russell, Lip Sing, Kian Meng, Kenneth, Enquan, Timothy.

The above names have incomplete or ZERO CIP hours for year 2008.
If you think there might be a mistake, you can see me to check out or approach your teacher whom you did CIP for to confirm this.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

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