Thursday, October 23, 2008

Meet-The-Parents ;)

Dear Guys,

The MTP session is finally over. ;)
I've met your parents. They've heard a lot about you, what naughty things you did in school, of coz the great things you did as well. I have also shared a lot about how you have progressed academically over the year and what improvements you've got to make.

I have GREAT expectations for the lot of you. And I think it is very important that you start setting goals for yourself too. Have faith in yourself and continue to strive hard for greater successes... one step at a time.

If you have done well... don't slacken. Continue to do what is right, something must be correct... so keep at it. Challenge yourself to greater things in life. Take up a sport if you are not someone who is very fit. Do something different this holiday... pick up Salsa dancing with your mom? ;) Learn something new this holiday. Take up art, learn a new instrument. Or at least, aim to spend more quality time with your family, help out with some chores, babysit your sister.... or volunteer your time for the better of the community at large. DO SOMETHING FRUITFUL.

If you did not meet expectations academically, do yourself a favour. Start setting goals for yourself. Plan a study time table for the holidays. Set aside time to read up. This is not time to cry over spilled milk. This is time to buck up and start doing something. Upset over your results? Well, its too late to change the grade on your report book.... but not to late to change your attitudes towards your studies. You can make that change. So do it. For yourself. ;) Plan, Plan, Plan. "Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail".

Its been a great, eventful evening. Thank you parents for turning up and sharing your evening with us. I hope you've taken away at least 1 learning point with you today. I have definitely learnt interesting stuff by just listening to you.

Thank you class com for being there to help out. Even under pressure, you were still able to support one another and deliver what you were tasked to do. And for that, I am very proud of you. ;) You guys have matured over time. I am very pleased to see how time has made you moth from being 'Little Devils' to little gentlemen that you guys are now. Do continue to improve and enhance yourself in your own learning. Be inquisitive, be dilligent and be a keen learner.

All the best, 1G! (I do hope I will follow the class up into Sec 2. I had a great time hanging out with you guys, teaching and spending time with you guys.)

In Memories We Are Rich!
With Love,
Mrs Melissa Lim

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