Thursday, February 26, 2009

Emails to Parents "BOUNCED"

Dear Guys,

Please kindly check with your parents if they have been receiving my emails. I do have some emails that are returned to me, due to reasons I am unsure of. If they haven't been receiving any emails, you may get them to email me at

Do let your parents know that all my emails are posted on the blog as well and they are encouraged to read the blog regularly for information and updates.

I am encouraging all of you to maintain an open communication between you and your parents. That way, we won't have to deal with any issues on distrust and miscommunication.

I hope you've all done well for your CA1.
This is not time to slack and celebrate... Sorry to burst your bubbles. But 2009 is the year of the Ox, a year or sheer hard work and sacrifices to plough through the impossible, and of course.... reap the rewards in due time.

I'm working on the "Happy Hours" time table... yea, its a 'After-School Hours' Study group session that will be conducted after class on alternate weekdays. This will soon be implemented in Term 2. It is optional but all of you are encouraged to join in. ;)

Have a good weekend ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Email to Parents on 20th Feb 2009

Forgot to have this posted on blog. My apologies!!! ;)
Dear Parents of 2G,
Thank you for taking time off to meet Ms Boey and me at our 1st Sec 2 Meet-The-Parents session. It is my pleasure to catch up with you again.
Due to time constraints last evening, we did not managed to discuss as much issues as we hope to. Hence, should you have more concerns regarding your son, please do not hesitate to contact me or Ms Boey. We will be happy to assist you.
Do be reminded that the CA1 tests will begin next week. Hence, please kindly ensure that your child is revising in preparation for the assessments this weekend.
As mentioned in our discussions, I'll be arranging for 'After-School Hours' sessions for the boys on alternate weekdays of the week, where they can do some constructive revision together as a class. These sessions are optional and will best cater to boys who are unoccupied for a couple of hours in the afternoons while waiting for the commencement of their CCAs, and those who are usually unsupervised at home. As promised, I will discuss this with Ms. Boey and will have a timetable ready for your reference, should you like your child to join us. We hope to have this class study program implemented in Term 2. Meantime, do continue to keep in touch and stay tuned to the VS2G2009 class blog @ our usual blogsite = for regular updates and happenings in "A Day In The Class of 2G".
Once again, thank you for taking time to meet us last evening.
Til then,
Take care and have a great weekend.
Melissa Lim
FT of VS2G2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Email to Parents

Email to parents on 6th Feb 1:10pm.

Dear Parents of 2G,

I hope this email finds you well. Please kindly note the following points listed in this email.

1)CA1 Tests
The dates for the CA1 tests have been put up. They will be pinned up in the classroom by next monday. They have been posted on the class blogfor reference. Do spare some time to monitor your child/ward during this period and ensure that they are working hard at home over the weekends.

2)Meet-The-Parents Session (19th Feb - Thursday)
The Meet the Parents Session has been scheduled to be on the 19th Feb at 7pm. Registration at the foyer will begin at 630pm, of which all parents will be registered on a Q system and will be issued a number. The programme for the event will be given to all pupils next monday, for your acknowledgement and reply. A NIL reply is appreciated.

3) Parenting talk by Jessica Leong
A Parenting workshop has been specially organised for all interested parents. It is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WORKSHOP that emphasizing on"Maximising Parent-Teen relationship" and a special EGO state analysis test for all parents to understand their parenting styles. A workshop brought back by popular demand, is without a doubt a workshop, worth attending. Fee for workshop is at $16 per person, including light refreshments. Registration form comes together with invite to the Meet the Parents session. If you are interested, pls kindly submit the payment through your child, together with the reply slip by 13th February.

Thank you for reading this lengthy email.
Have a restful weekend and some quality family time.
Melissa Lim

Faces of 2G

Hey guys,
Here are more pictures of you. Some of the pictures are really blur and yucky so I had to crop them. ;)
Have a great weekend!
Dun forget to study hard for your CA1.
Mrs Melissa Lim