Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Important Info - Semester 2

Dear Guys & Parents,

Please note the following information:

(A) Travel Declaration Form V.2 & Leave of Absence
Please kindly log into the VS portal and download the travel declaration form, print it out and complete the form for submission on Monday, 29th June. This is for important information required by the school on top of the 1st Travel Declaration that you have submitted before the holidays.

You are automatically on leave of absence (LOA) if you have recently returned from a trip to an affected country. LOA is 7 days prior to your date of return. Do note that E-learning packages will be made available on the VS website for you to be on task as with the rest of your classmates in school.

(B) Oral Digital Thermometer
Please be reminded to bring your ODT everyday for twice daily temperature checks.

(C) Symptoms of Influenza
If you did not travel to affected countries yet are unwell and exhibit symptoms of flu, like coughing, sneezing, fever etc. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND SCHOOL. Please practice hygiene and social responsibility and remain at home until you are 100% well and fit to attend school again. Do keep me updated. ;)

(D)Semester 2 Time Table
The new time table is available online on the VS portal. Please have it downloaded for own info.

(E) Health Booklet
For those who have yet to submit your health booklet. Please kindly bring it along on Monday for submission. The health nurses allocated to VS will need to look through your details prior to your check up.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Have a good weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

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