Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Dear Guys,

This is my favourite!!!

Mrs Melissa Lim


Dear Guys,

Check out your faces in the pictures attached.
In Memories We Are Rich.

Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, April 25, 2008

"Understanding the Wired Generation"

This was emailed to all parents 2 days ago.

School Family Education (SFE) Talk on understanding the WiredGeneration" - Sat, 26 Apr 2008 @ Victoria School

Dear PSG Parents / Parents,

I am pleased to share that we have completed our PSG/SFE work planfor FY2008/9 and have lined up very interesting and exciting programsfor our parents in the coming months !

To kick off, we are organising a talk on "Understanding the WiredGeneration" by Dr Frederick Toke, a renowned Psychologist. The talk will be held on Sat, 26 Apr 08 from 9.00am to 12 noon at Victoria School.

In January, we had a workshop with parents on "Cyber Awareness". The workshop had invited many questions on the topic... This talk will serve as a good continuation as Dr Frederick Toke will provide us with an insight of the psyche of our teenagers in a "Wired Generation" .. So don't miss this session! Online registration is now open at : http://www.vs.moe.edu.sg.

If you have friends or relatives who are interested in joining theworkshop,we would welcome their participation. All they need to do is to login in and register themselves at the same email address.We look forward to your presence at this workshop & an exciting yearahead in sharing our parenting experiences the Victorian Way !

Best Regards,
Yip Ying Kiong
Victoria School Parent Support Group ( VS PSG )
Co-ordinator for School Family Education Team (PSG-SFE)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dramafest 2008 - Best Play / Classroom Design Award 2008

Dear guys,
This is for you and your families and to all our friends in 1G. You deserve this for all the efforts and the commitment you put in.. for all the great times and memories you have given to one another... all the tears and sweat.. all the hard work and the wonderful synergy.

THANK YOU, GUYS. YOU'VE MADE IT! Stand tall, stand proud.

You're the G-KENS!!!! ;p To 1G!!!! NIL SINE LABORE.

And yes.. not forgetting our wonderful class committee who help in attaining the "Classroom design award"... what can I say???

"3 cheers for 1G!!" You're the best!

Mrs Melissa Lim

What Chief Judge Has to Say?

Dun you wanna know what he thinks about Jin Chow & the Crazy bean? After all the hard work you've put in???? ;p

Market Scene 2

Pple.. this is another hilarious,uncut moment... this time its the other drag queen, Jeremy... hahah.. his wiggy fell off.. all thanks to Russell's umbrella!!! Wicked!!!!

"Garung Guni.. "

This is one of my favourites as Anirudh entered the scene from the floor.. I thot it was very entertaining to see acting coming from everywhere. It gives a whole new dimension to the whole show. i hope you like it. ;p

Market Scene 1

Hey guys... check out aunty poh!!! Lagi funny!! ;p Laugh til drop... check out those butts and BOOBS!!.. You rock man, Aunty Poh! hahahahah...

Some pictures from Dramafest 2008

Hey guys.. just loading up some pictures for you to see.
I will be printing some pictures for you to order if you want after getting the soft copies from the media club pple. Afterwhich you can order from me or go ahead and print it yourself k.

Hope you like these.. Videos will be up next. ;p

Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Email to Parents - Thank You!

Email below has been recently sent to parents. However, due to bounced mails, it has been posted on the blog. Please inform your parents about it. Thanks.

Dear Parents,

We would once again like to thank you for your support in Dramafest 2008 last night. The hall was fully booked with 2 front row seats occupied by 1G's parents and their families. It was a night to remember.

Congratulations to you and our G-kens on our win as Best Play and Best Set. Kudos to you and your families for your undying support and committment with us throughout this every tiring period of trainings and rehearsals, your loud cheers and applause for our play last night.

I would like to thank parents like Melinda and Eunice who had taken time off to attend our trainings and to provide encouragement and feedback to our boys, or have helped out as make up artist. Jacob's mom, who have very generously bought fast food snacks for the boys during their trainings and parents who have so kindly supported behind the scenes at home with training their sons in dramatization. Thanks, Gloria, my dearest AFT who have also brought donuts for the boys' hungry tummies and to all, who have helped out one way or another.
We wouldn't have made it without you!

The next upcoming event to look forward to, is the 1G Class Parent-Son Championships which will be held on the 23rd May, last day of school at approx. 2pm. With our wins in best play and set, we have earned ourselves $100 that will be used to subsidise this event. More details will be provided in early May, and we hope to see you there.

Once again, thank you for your generous support and participation.

Til then, take care and have a great weekend.

Mrs Melissa Lim
FT of 1G

1G - My Pride & Joy

Hi Guys,

CONGRATULATIONS on your win as best play and best set. I am sooooo PROUD of you, actors, backstage crew and props, lights and sound crew. Remember what I said? All your roles are of equal importance.. and all of you can make or break the play. You know what? You did it!!!

I have seen you guys grow and seriously even tho you can't tell.. I wanted you to know that the class dynamics are improving because of you guys, how you co-operate and work together in synergy. I am sure this was the reason for your win altogether. "There is no I in teamwork" and you have learnt that. I am so proud, coz this is what I really call, "brotherhood".

I have observed how Ren Jie improve as an actor into what he acted today... you have improved leaps and bounds Renjie and even your parents are sooooo proud.. they were not sure ifyou could make it.. but you did.. and you proved everybody that you can be timid and shy... yet nasty as a hag!!!! ;p Hansel... you were really a great choice as lead and you are so good with your acting and words, such a natural.. Ah gu was of coz everyone's favourite.. and as i thot you'll be expressionless with no face.. but that of a cow.. I thot you will have no emotions.. I was so wrong... coz your fat body did all that talking and the body language said it all. Thanks for hiding in that sauna suit, deon. ;p My dearest market pple... everyone's been telling me how great that scene was... and that how that synergy was so seen inthat market with all that buzz buzz and multi racial cohesiveness.. fantastic coordination.. you gave time to walk out and in etc. You were well heard.. Aunty Poh butt was really shaking.. I was chanting "shake shake shake" in the lights room and almost fainted during the play watching those boobs.. laugh til faint.. hahaha... ;p I hope you had alot of fun touching those jiggly stuff.. ;p Sound and lights pple.. props aunty darren.. thanks for everything.. all that stress might scare you off drama ever and ever.. but let me say this.. not everyone gets a chance in the control room.. so your experience is oncein a lifetime.. ;p you guys are great. You have put the pieces of the jigsaw together.. job well done!

Have a gd rest pple.. You deserve it.. and like i said.. the experiences and bonds you built with each other.. the moments together.. the little bday party we had today.. are PRICELESS moments that we'll keep with us for a lifetime.

In memories we are rich. (Gonna load the pictures by end of next week.. ;p)
Cheers and good night!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hang In There, Guys!!! You're Doing GREAT!

Hey guys,

Its THURSDAY!!! and today you'll be so stressed out at the Hall with all the technical runs and blah blah blah... Yes.. you'll be really tired too. But.. well.. it'll be all over soon in no time.. and I bet you'll be missing all this fun you've been getting from just hanging out with your friends.

I've been having alot of fun too.... esp during amusing takes and retakes of really funny scenes of our friends in DRAG!!!! hahahahahah ;p (Enquan, you really make a terrific drag queen... no doubts about it! & Jeremy, you're really girly the way you skip around.. Great acting pple!)

Its going to be a really tough 2 days from this day on and you'll be largely on your own, really. Coz on the final performance, I'll just sit and watch and savour every second and every line you have sooooooooo practiced crazily for the last 1+ month. Its been crazy.. but we're almost there. So, HANG ON!!! Just do me a favour, drink some honey lime tea, or 'liang teh' for the next 2 days k. Dun talk too much or shout.. save your throat for later ya. OOO.. and no chips, chocolates and heaty stuff as well....

Well done guys, I'm so PROUD OF YOU!

Cheers to 1G!!! ;p
Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


*** The email was sent to your parents this morning had been put up below for bounced mails. Pls inform your parents to read. Thanks guys.

Dear Parents,

1G and I would like to thank you for purchasing the tickets to the dramafest 2008 which will be held at the Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel this coming friday.

To date, a total of approximately 30 tickets have been snapped up just for supporters from family and friends. (Including my cast andbackstage crew, will make a total of about 60-70 attendees supporting the class!!!!)

For most of you, I have reserved the front rows seats where most of youwill have a clear view of your child's performance during the play.(Some of you might have to position yourself at a slight angle, if you have gotten the sides though. ;p)

I must say that I am very elated with the good response from the show,and the support we are all getting from the parents. The tickets forthe entire hall are almost sold out and I am sure the boys will put up a show that will be edged in our minds for the longest time. Mostimportantly, they have learnt something about the role they have indrama (whether they are props maker/movers, lights and sound manager oreven makeup artists ;p), have the exposure and have experienced interesting events, stress, time management, and have forged strong friendships and a sense of belonging for their class during this period.

Behind the scenes, (I'll be putting up some interesting clips by May offunny uncut videos of their rehearsals on the blog.)the boys haveworked EXTREMELY hard for this production. Many of them have sacrificedmore than 3/4 of their 1 week vacation to rehearse and havesince stayed back after school 2-3 times weekly to practice and make the necessary props. (On top of their CCAs, competitions andother committments.)I have seen how these boys progressed, some shy andtimid when they started out, to excellent voice projection andconfidence, from being rowdy and inattentive to being focused and forthe backstage crew who were initially clueless about music and lights, props etc... they all learnt lots and began to think of the box, solving difficult situations.

I must say that the boys have matured and have definitely learnt some form of lifeskills (like perserverance, time and stress management etc) in the process of their preparation in this play.
I, once again, like to THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT for 1G and am looking forward to meeting you this friday at Jubilee Hall.

Til then, take care and have a gd week ahead. Nil Sine Labore.

Mrs Melissa Lim
FT of 1G

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Changes to Schedule for Dramafest 2008

Hi Guys,

Note that Bus will be here at 1pm on thursday and friday for the rehearsal and actual performance respectively. You'll need to attend school on both days as per normal so pls bring your books for lessons.

Things to note:
1) All props and costumes to be organised and arranged in proper order.
2) Bring your own make up kits, borrow from your moms etc etc. This is because you will be sharing with others if you do not have from a common make up kit. (If you have sensitive skin, you better bring your own.) You'll need the basics: lipstick, foundation base and loose powder. You'll need to bring your hair gel and hair spray as well. Or you can share a common one. (But dun bang on that, i rather you bring your own.)
3) Help Darren!!!! Check your own props and costumes and confirm with Darren. You know what you need best.. so pls keep things simple for him.. He is already every busy with the overseeing of things.
4) Listen to instructions of the asst. director, Jonah. He represents me and will be coordinating many of the stuff on the actual day. We'll need to play by ear and decide if anything crops up.
5) Jonah: Note: lights, sounds and recordings and all others.... you'll need to confirm that you have them all. Be organised.

"Give your best 120% .. REACH FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE .. BELIEVE!"

;p BREAK A LEG!!!!! We're all supporting you!!!! (Your parents and all of us in 1G)
Mrs Melissa Lim

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Schedule for Drama Fest 2008

Hi Guys,

This is what is going to happen for this week... Its going to be the final few days towards our big production.. I need your 100% for this week.. and its going to be gd gd gd!!! (Yes, we have come this far... we might as well make it GOOD and act with no regrets!)

Monday, 14th April
245pm sharp @ Auditorium - Rehearsal til 4pm. Trainer will be there. All to be present.

Wednesday, 16th April
Short meeting to tidy up props and other materials needed. Classroom @ 140pm - 215pm. All late props and costumes to be in.

Thursday, 17th April
2pm bus leaves from school to Jubilee Hall. All props on buses and lorries there. Rehearsal from 3pm - 10pm MAX. They can enter hall to wait for you. Time and duration is Depending on how we perform. Pls let your parents know. They can pick you from Raffles Hotel.

Friday, 18th April
School as per normal. Bus leaves at 2pm to Jubilee Hall. Rehearsal begins there from 3pm - 4pm. Make up and costume from 4pm - 6pm. Show begins there after.


So yes, that's the last lap.... BREAK A LEG!!!;p

Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, April 11, 2008

School Health Check

Dear peeps,

Pls note that on 15 april between 8-9am, you'll be having a health check up in school@ The Hist/Geog Room, B07-07. Pls remember and note it down in your diary. Your monitors and teacher for that periods will be taking you to the venue.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dramafest rehearsal at the Hall

Hi Drama peeps,

Dramafest rehearsal tomorrow friday, 11th April at the hall. Be punctual and ready for the play. Mr Daniel Tan will be there to assist you as I'll be on a course tomorrow. Pls give your best shot ya...

It'll be full dress and you'll need your props. Hence, pls come prepared with the necessary. Jonah and Darren will be there to issue the props and costumes. Be organised and dun lose your props again... ;p

I'll need the sound guy and lights guy to be on the double. "FEE FI FO FUM" is not recorded. Pls tell Mr Tan. We'll have to get that done soon.

Tickets for those who have paid up will be given by next week. Those who have not ordered and paid, pls do so soon.

Have fun.. Break a Leg!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, April 4, 2008

Guardian Angel


Pls dun forget that we are still playing the game, hence, kindly at your own time, pop by my box outside the staff room and dump in your little gifts. Do nice things to your mortal too pls... you are an angel not a devil ya???? ;p

So do get them ready for monday.
Thanks peeps.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Good Job!

Dear Dramafest pple...

Good efforts for the performance today. We, however, need to modify some scenes to make it better. For now, at least you guys have a feel of the stage and you'll need to figure your positioning when you are acting. Be aware and be alert as you might need to respond depending on your peer's reaction etc etc.

Props wise... there were many hiccups.
Eg. Mom did not take back the feather duster, Jin did not remove his clothes from scene and mat etc. Forgot to place the props at the correct positions, forgot where the props were at, lost of props like stick and holey shoe!!!!! etc etc. (Bad!)

The Drama Club will be helping us to make some props for the set up: Namely, the beanstalk so that you can really climb it using a ladder, Giant's house so that we can stick the sweets on literally and pluck from it, modify the hawker stalls and improve its colour.

I need all your costumes modified too. Only brightly coloured clothes pls. So if you have something really dull coloured and drab, pls have it changed. Multicoloured t shirts for different pple. It'll be looking like a real fairy tale land.

Eg 1. Mom forgot lines at the sweet picking part... forgot that you are supposed to bring cow to Jin at stage front, not call him to the back. Mom supposed to do exaggerated skirt pulling up when climbing and also forgot your exits. Can be bigger in actions and louder in voice.

Eg 2. Jin always forgetting your positions on stage and moving towards the sides. Supposed to turn while sleeping. Forgot to place sweets on stage left. Looking v lost at some points. Clothes were not thrown out.

Eg 3. Market pple at 2nd time out, passerbys enter first!!! Wrong. Always let hawkers out first.
Go back think of your lines and practice aloud. I need to be able to hear you and the buzzing sounds of the market.

Pple with no costumes, I need you to see me with them on monday. Complete set.

Note: There will be another run at the Auditorium next friday. All to be present. Full dress rehearsal at Jubilee Hall on 17th and 18th April. You'll be excused from CCA, pls inform your teachers and parents. Stage at Jubilee Hall is bigger than the stage we have at the Audi.

Ok .... TGIF again!!!!
Yippeee... remember, practice practice practice.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dramafest rehearsal tomorrow (1st & 2nd Period)

Hi Guys,

Your PE teacher will be busy with the preparation of the Sports Day and hence, will not be around for your lessons. Hence, I will be taking over the class and you'll be performing to the rest of the class as well as, to some other teachers who are experienced in Drama at the auditorium.

1. Pls bring all your props and costumes.
2. Rehearse your lines tonight and practice, practice, practice!
3. Come in earlier tomorrow morning to practice and throw lines to one another. Recall what we did previously and the changes that were made esp. at the market place.

4. Props that are currently not available... (Darren to note, SEEK HELP IF YOU CANNOT MANAGE.) :
- 'Kachang Puteh' cones (12 pieces)
- Container (for kachang puteh)
- Satay sticks (20 pieces)
- Black box for puppet beanstalk (1 painted after wrapping with newspaper)
- axe (rewrapped with aluminium foil)
- Rope (leash for cow)

5. All are to help out Darren pack your costumes and props neatly and labelled.

I hope the rehearsal will turn out well tomorrow. You guys have been rehearsing and frankly, It looks good to me already, we just need to piece some loose ends together. So let's treat this run seriously and see how well we can do and how better we can improve to win the dramafest2008!

See ya tomorrow then. ;p
"Break a leg"
Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

DramaFest Tickets are on Sale!!

Dear 1G (and parents),

The tickets for the drama fest 2008 are finally on sale. I have since reserved the best seats in the house for you. Tickets reserved are based on the ones I have taken account of (Mainly the actors), 20 tickets in total. Each ticket cost $10 (reason why it is alittle expensive is because it is staged in Jubilee Hall @ The Raffles Hotel.)

The date of the event is on the 18th April 2008 (There is a little typo error in the newsletter. My apologies for that.) It is a friday night. Plays will be held in the evening at approximately 6pm.

All actors and props/ lights/ sound pple will be required to report in the morning for rehearsal. This will be carried on til the evening when the actual performance is staged. It is a competition for the supposed dramafest title, hence, only the best is expected. ;p I will let you guys know more in time to come.

Those who have reserved the tickets, please kindly pay for them by the end of the week and I can then hand you the tickets personally and allow you to acknowledge your receipt of the tickets.

Reminder: Next drama fest rehearsal will be held on this coming friday, immediately after school. We'll do it before sports day events in the afternoon. ALL MUST BE PRESENT as there will be an audience to view the play.

Thanks and have a great week ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim