Wednesday, April 16, 2008


*** The email was sent to your parents this morning had been put up below for bounced mails. Pls inform your parents to read. Thanks guys.

Dear Parents,

1G and I would like to thank you for purchasing the tickets to the dramafest 2008 which will be held at the Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel this coming friday.

To date, a total of approximately 30 tickets have been snapped up just for supporters from family and friends. (Including my cast andbackstage crew, will make a total of about 60-70 attendees supporting the class!!!!)

For most of you, I have reserved the front rows seats where most of youwill have a clear view of your child's performance during the play.(Some of you might have to position yourself at a slight angle, if you have gotten the sides though. ;p)

I must say that I am very elated with the good response from the show,and the support we are all getting from the parents. The tickets forthe entire hall are almost sold out and I am sure the boys will put up a show that will be edged in our minds for the longest time. Mostimportantly, they have learnt something about the role they have indrama (whether they are props maker/movers, lights and sound manager oreven makeup artists ;p), have the exposure and have experienced interesting events, stress, time management, and have forged strong friendships and a sense of belonging for their class during this period.

Behind the scenes, (I'll be putting up some interesting clips by May offunny uncut videos of their rehearsals on the blog.)the boys haveworked EXTREMELY hard for this production. Many of them have sacrificedmore than 3/4 of their 1 week vacation to rehearse and havesince stayed back after school 2-3 times weekly to practice and make the necessary props. (On top of their CCAs, competitions andother committments.)I have seen how these boys progressed, some shy andtimid when they started out, to excellent voice projection andconfidence, from being rowdy and inattentive to being focused and forthe backstage crew who were initially clueless about music and lights, props etc... they all learnt lots and began to think of the box, solving difficult situations.

I must say that the boys have matured and have definitely learnt some form of lifeskills (like perserverance, time and stress management etc) in the process of their preparation in this play.
I, once again, like to THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT for 1G and am looking forward to meeting you this friday at Jubilee Hall.

Til then, take care and have a gd week ahead. Nil Sine Labore.

Mrs Melissa Lim
FT of 1G

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