Saturday, May 24, 2008

Email to Parents - 1G Bowling Champs!

Emailed to Parents on 24 May 00:00am.

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your time and participation in our class outing. It was an extremely fun and eventful 2 hours at the alley, mingling with you and watching the 'Parent-Son' teams having so much fun together.
Personally, I have gained so much from speaking with you guys, with so much insights on the boys and on what goes on at home in your family. It was a very fun-filled and fulfiling afternoon. I have posted some lovely pictures of you on our class blog for sharing with your spouse and family who were absent in the event, and of course, for keepsake. ;p
Once again, thank you very much for taking time off to join us in this event. I hope you have had as much fun as I did this afternoon.

Have a restful weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, May 23, 2008

More happy pictures of you...

We should have a 'Parent-Son' lookalike contest next time!!!! ;p
Once again, THANK YOU for your time and participation in our class outing, Parents.
Have a great 'Family Week' 2008.
Mrs Melissa Lim

1G Bowling Championships 2008

Dear Guys,

I hope you all have enjoyed yourselves and had a great time. Some of you were addicted to the game!!! ;p I am so glad you enjoyed it!

Congrats to winners and non-winners... I'm sure you have all gained something through this event, for me, it was great pleasure to have met your parents and to be able to mingle, have carrot cake with some of them. I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.

To my class committee, I hope this has provided you some form of opportunity and experience to plan an event. The next time, I'll be bowling and you'll be doing the job of planning the entire thing yourselves!!!!! ;p

Enjoy these beautiful pictures.

Cheers, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Class 1G Bowling Championship 2008


It's finally approaching the last day of school!!!
All of you will likely to be dismissed by 1130am. Please make your way safely to Kallang Leisure Park via bus (no. 16 from the bus stop outside Mandarin Gardens) or cab (from VS side gate). If you are taking a bus, be expected to walk, you might wanna ask the driver where to alight. Bring a cap or an umbrella to shield from the heat.

You may wish to have your lunch there at the KLP food court.
Attire: Anything you wish but nothing offensive please. ;p
Reporting time: 2pm at the Kallang Bowl. 1pm for the class committee to get everything ready.

Please also note that you are expected to bring all your books home for revision and anything found under the tables will be dumped. You may have them in your lockers but not in the classrooms as all the classes will be repainted during the holidays and all the stuff in class will be removed as such. Please spread the word to those who do not visit the blog to bring a HUGE trash bag to store their stash.

Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

E-Notice Board

Dear Guys,

Since the Cbox has been murdered. I suggest you guys get yourself registered in the E-NBoard and get yourselves familiar with the forum. It is a v useful channel of communication for you guys and for discussion of your HW and other subject matters.

It will only take you less than 3 mins to get yourself registered... and you can then check out the channels assigned on the forum.

Have a great day ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Buffet Servers and VIP Servers for Speech Day 2008

Dear Guys,

I am looking for volunteer servers for the buffet and VIP tables for our VS Speech Day 2008. It will be on the 2nd August 2008. Food servers will have to report at about 430pm and will be serving food between 6pm - 8pm. Afterwhich, servers will be required to help to clear up the place.

There will be 2 different types of servers. 1st - VIP servers, where servers will be serving food to VIPs like MPs and ministers etc. 2nd - Buffet table servers, where servers will serve food onto plates of guests like parents and other invited guests.

It is important to note that the pupils chosen for the VIP tables are to be articulate, confident and eloquent in speech, neat and tidy in appearance and above all, able to serve with steady hands. All these will be provided in training. (We do not wish to have pupils pouring food over the VIPs, ya? hahah..)

I am seeking approximatedly 20 volunteers from the class, who are not going to be involved in the Speech Day performance and UG parade. The 20 spaces will be on a 1st come 1st serve basis hence, I'll require you to reply as a comment to this post with your names asap. (Should there not be takers for the positions, I'll be extending this to my other classes.) All servers will be given CIP hours for the year depending on the number of hours you serve on that day itself. (Once, you have given your names, I'll expect you to be responsible and to fulfill your duties on the actual day. Should you have last minute committments, I'll need you to find a suitable replacement on your own prior to the date.)

Things required for the serving: Bandana, School Tie and Apron. Please bring these along on that day. A meeting will be held in end July for the occasion and service training will be provided.

Should you have any further queries, you may ask as a comment to this post.

Thank you.
Mrs Melissa Lim

News Flash! - The Cbox Murder.

Dear Guys,

I have removed the Cbox. Its been too much of a hassle for me to have to track and monitor all your messages daily. It seems that some of you do not know how to chat appropriately in a responsible and gentlemanly manner. Hence, I have decided to kill the Cbox.

You may still log on into 'chat and go', as created by Daryl. I am sure its a better choice as compared to the Cbox which you have to refresh continuously. Also, you'll find the subject help channels v useful and may want to pose questions and wait for SOS on the specific subject channels. It will be more direct and specific to what you may want to find out.

I think it is important for some of you to understand rules and regulations and follow them. It is only basic courtesy and responsibility for you to do so. If you think you cannot, then I suggest you do not blog or chat online as you might eventually get into trouble.

Happy Blogging!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, May 5, 2008

Return of Library Books and payment of fines

Dear Guys,

Pls kindly make your payment for the book fines to the VS library and return your overdue books asap. I have received a reminder and a list of names that I have no wish to put up on this post.

Pls note that those who do not do so before the last week of term, will not be receiving your result slips until you have done so.

Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, May 2, 2008

More pictures for laughs...

Hi Guys,

Check out the story teller and Karung Guni man....
The cow in hot suit... Deon taking chilling out.. Headless!!
& our lead role.. with his ever versatile facial expressions from being cheeky to emo in seconds.

1G Class Bowling Competition 2008

Email to parents on 2nd May 2008.
Dear Parents,

Hello again. ;p
It is 'down time' after the DramaFest2008, and many of our boys are suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I do hope, however, that they have been granted this time to study and mug hard for the coming mid-year exams.

It's a short mid-year exam for them, with only Geog and science tested. Despite only these subjects tested, do be assured that there had been non-going assessments taken into consideration for your son's marks and we consider their academic abilities and emphasize alot on their learning process at the same time.

As planned, the Class Bowling Championships will proceed on 23rd May 2008, friday at 2pm, with participation of 10 groups of Parent-Son teams to kick start our Family week.
Do note that the venue has been changed to Kallang Bowl (Kallang Leisure Dome, where the ice skating rink is located). This change in venue was decided as Kallang Bowl is new and will be away from the buzz created by the 'last-day-of-school' crowd. I've suggested to the boys to proceed for lunch before the game. (They will likely be dismissed from school by 11am that day. The 'Kou Fu' food junction there serves pretty delicious meals, in cozy setting.)

Til then,
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim