Wednesday, May 14, 2008

E-Notice Board

Dear Guys,

Since the Cbox has been murdered. I suggest you guys get yourself registered in the E-NBoard and get yourselves familiar with the forum. It is a v useful channel of communication for you guys and for discussion of your HW and other subject matters.

It will only take you less than 3 mins to get yourself registered... and you can then check out the channels assigned on the forum.

Have a great day ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim


Anonymous said...

mrs lim cn giv another chance make cbox again plzz

Anonymous said...

Deon, I know ou use the cbox responsibly. But there are pple out there who dun. I dun have a choice unless I can get assurance from the class.

Mrs Melissa Lim

Anonymous said...

Deon, I know ou use the cbox responsibly. But there are pple out there who dun. I dun have a choice unless I can get assurance from the class.

Mrs Melissa Lim

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

there's once when russell(fake one) started spamming and scolded me a b**ch when i told him to stop.

Anonymous said...

I really hate the other thing.Pls set up the Cbox again,just one more chance,its an appeal.You can talk to the class and say that whoever spams will go to see the discipline master.Pls............


P.S. I myself used to spam at first,pls forgive me.