Thursday, October 30, 2008

Class Outing Attendants

People who are going for the class outing pls post a comment here and leave your name. Those who want to play futsal pls say so.

Posted By:
Jeremy (Welfare Rep) & The Class Com


Anonymous said...

Mrs Melissa Lim (Playing in Parents Team) ;)

Anonymous said...

Nurdin definitely playing!

Anonymous said...

i may be going.
Deon x)

-km- said...

Kian Meng - i wan play !!! =P

Anonymous said...

I'll be going. Haha sorry for posting on the parents section. :X

Anonymous said...

im going.... this is russell

Anonymous said...

renjie - count me in! =D

THE PRO said...

I should be able 2 come...!!!

Anonymous said...

count me in

Anonymous said...

Should be going.

Anonymous said...

Not playing futsal.

Anonymous said...

i'll be going

Anonymous said...

Not playing futsal.

Anonymous said...

i goin

Anonymous said...

Me too

Anonymous said...

I will be going

Anonymous said...

Man.. i tot i left a comment le... nvm post again i going me lip sing thks

Anonymous said...

i wi;; be going n will be playih futsll tpp

Anonymous said...

i will cum to d outing n play futsal

Anonymous said...

Erm i go but might run off to sumwhere else halfway and is my post too late? Arh boh nvm

Anonymous said...

Spencer going !