Saturday, January 24, 2009

CNY Celebrations 2009

Dear Guys,

I want to thank the class welfare com and all who chipped in one way or another in the class decoration competition for CNY. I felt that it was an EXCELLENT job done in a short period of time, with so many of you involved in the performance. I was very impressed with the amount of initiative and teamwork observed in the process. I am especially impressed with the new members of the committee, pple like Elliot, Russell and Jonathan Hoong who have since shown their side of leadership.
Thank you for the job well done. And even though we did not win any prizes, I want you to know that you are ALL WINNERS to me, and I'm sure to Ms Boey as well. ;)

It is not the prize of winning that matters... it is the learning process, the experiences & the good times we shared that is the best prize of all...
There were many things that I am pleased with, some of which are as stated below.
1. Despite not knowing exactly how to make lanterns, you'ver gone out to make them using trial and error methods. You impressed me with lanterns of all weird shapes and sizes in triangles and in cubes.... in fishy shapes and in flowers... ;D We ended up with about 8 of them.. or even more if we add those really odd ones... lol. and 2 super ceiling to floor fire crackers that was made up of about 300 angbaos or more. I dunno.. hahah..

2. You guys worked on several afternoons despite your own committments and rehearsals for the CNY performances. You took the initiative to find friends to help, whether you hold a role in class or not. Your committed spirit and willingness to contribute impressed me.

3. The way you guys worked... the teamwork... helping one another put up the lanterns on the ceilings, sharing laughs and jokes while rolling the angbaos into what resembled 'love letters'.... will be as said "In Memories, We are Rich".

Thanks for the good times. With this, enjoy the lovely pictures. ;) Happy Ox Year, 2G!

Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, January 23, 2009


Dear 2G & Family,

It is finally approaching the new year and I'll hereby wish all of you and your loved ones a
Happy & A Prosperous New Year, filled with riches of Good Health,
Plentiful Wealth & loads of Joy, Peace & Harmony!!!

Happy Moo Moo Year!!!

Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Class Committee Leadership Training Course (CCLT)

Dear Class Leaders,

There will be a change in dates for the Class Committee Leadership Training (CCLT) Course as the trainers can only make it on a single day rather than 2 days.

New date: 5 Feb (Thursday)
Time: 2.15 - 6.15pm
Venue: AV rm
Who needs to attend: Monitors, Secretary & Treasurer
Cost: $20 per pax (student to pay $10 by Edusave/cash, school to pay the other $10)

Please help to spread the word.

P/s: Tees will be distributed by recess on friday, so that you can change it before the CNY celebrations. ;)

Thanks and have a good day.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, January 19, 2009

Chingay Procession 2009

Dear guys who have signed up for the Chingay Procession 2009,

Please note the following details:

1st Rehearsal - All classes
Date: 20th Jan (Tuesday)
Time: 415pm
Venue to report: VS Foyer (outside General Office) to take school bus to Kallang Peoples' Association
Teachers in charge: Mr Daryl Tan and Ms Adelyn Tan

2nd Rehearsal - Classes 2F to 2I
Date: 31st Jan (Saturday)
Time: 340pm
Venue to report: VS Foyer
Teacher in charge: Mr David Lee

Please ensure that you submit the consent form given to you for the CIP hours to be claimed by tomorrow, 20th Jan.

If you are unable to make it on that day, pls inform me asap with person replacing you. All replacements must be made on your own.

Have a great week ahead!!!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, January 17, 2009

VS Lohei 2009

Last night... we had the VS 2nd Lohei 2009.

Incredibly ridiculous dinner I had... Funny, dodgy.. mad fun! I haven't laughed so much in a long while. All for the great company I had at my table... the good food... interesting games and all the luck we had... winning ourselves a banana keeper and bird nests!!! ;) I had a banana-hella-time!!! ;)

Anyway... thot I'll share a nice picture taken with our 2G parents, parents of Lip Sing and Spencer who graced the occasion and I hope, too, enjoyed the dinner... and watching in horror how the teachers at VS turn into incredulous teenagers themselves.... LOL...

Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Happy Year of The OX! ;)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Decorating OUR CLASS; VS2G2009

Our friends trying to be creative with lantern making ;)

Check out Joel!! The new guardian of the ... tongue-less snake.

As said... look at the creative lanterns in all shapes & sizes!!!
... in multiple colours of the rainbow...

... also with us, contributing to clueless lantern-making, are boys from different races... Iskandar, Mikail & Hadi. ;)

Not forgetting our HEADs of Welfare; Deon & Jonathan Hoong....
& ... our white board of googly paper dolls!!! ;) LOL.
Can you spot who's who???? ;D

Thanks guys.. for taking the time off to decorate the class!!! You guys are a fantastic bunch!

Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, January 5, 2009

Email to Parents 1-2009

Email to parents on 5th Jan 2009, 2pm.
Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the New Academic Year!
It is the beginning of a new academic year, 2009. As the Form Teacher of your child’s class, I warmly welcome your child to Secondary 2G.

It is my belief that every child has the ability to excel if he is given the proper guidance and well-deserved opportunities. I am glad to have the opportunity to help each child in my class maximize his potential to the best I can. My Assistant Form Teacher, Ms Gloria Boey and I will do our best to ensure that your son enjoys another fruitful year of studies and CCA in year 2009 as he strives to deliver his best performance.

At the same time, ensuring a supportive home environment will be invaluable to your son’s well-being. As such, I sincerely hope that we can work hand in hand in every possible area, so as to create a truly supportive learning environment at home and school for your child.

My Assistant Form Teacher and I are open to discussions concerning your son. Do feel free to contact me at my extension 62912965 ext 281( or Ms Gloria Boey at ext 263( Alternatively, you may contact us via the school website at

Do also note that our class blog will continue to be updated regularly and provide you with information on latest happenings in VS and in class 2G. The website to our blog will continue to exist as

You may wish to contact the subject teachers teaching the class if you need information concerning the particular subject. Their names and extension numbers are as listed below:
English: Mr. Maran (ext 230) Mathematics: Ms. Wong LM (ext 280)
Science: Ms. Gloria Boey (ext 263) Geography: Ms. Ria (ext 268)
Home Economics: Mdm Hashima (ext 281) Physical Education: Mr. Lee BK (ext 256)Literature: Ms. Adelyn Tan (ext 275)

At this juncture, I would also like to bring your attention to the Victoria School Parent Support Group (VSPSG). The VSPSG has been a valued partner in the well-being and development of Victorians, working in close rapport with the school. The VSPSG organizes talks and seminars regularly to aid in enhancing family life amongst parents, teaching staff and students. Do feel free to contact the general office at 62912965 or visit their website at for further details on the upcoming PSG initiatives.

Thank you very much for taking time off to read this mail. I look forward to working closely with you for the total development of your child. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones, a fruitful and meaningful year ahead!

Warmest regards,
Melissa Lim
5th January 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Dear Guys,
Welcome back to Victoria School !!! ;)
As said this morning, you guys have since grown and here in 2009, as secondary 2s, you should by now know thoroughly well the VS culture and all about your class 2G 2009.
It is with great pleasure, as your Form Teacher, together with Ms Boey... to be once again, leading this class. We've had alot of fun in 2008, and I really hope that with time and more bonding sessions, we'll eventually achieve loads of class pride and spirit, and tons of good memories to last our lives through.
This year, we've definitely going for a fast paced 2009 with lessons going on full fledged from the very beginning. There is no time for you to pick up slowly where you left off, guys. Get your target setting done as spoken today... work out your action plans... fulfil it as planned. (Refer to pg 37-39 of Student Journal.) There is no oiling of your machines and servicing them now... (you should have done so over the hols ;p) its full throttle and speed now... no stopping til you reach the finishing line. Set BIG dreams. Make yourselves proud.
I have a dream for the class this year... That, you'll all feel a Great sense of belonging for the class, set and achieve 'Gigantic' targets for yourselves, inspire and motivate every G-ken Gentleman to reach for the stars. I hope all of you will share in this dream...
Dun mean to stress you out at the start of the year... BUT I meant to have you superbly stressed out so that you'll reach your fullest potential... (Should you need stress management tips, refer to pg 50-53 of your student journal 2009 ;p)
So... Gentlemen, start your engines.... here comes the flagdown!!!
Happy New Year, 2G!!
Mrs Melissa Lim