Saturday, January 24, 2009

CNY Celebrations 2009

Dear Guys,

I want to thank the class welfare com and all who chipped in one way or another in the class decoration competition for CNY. I felt that it was an EXCELLENT job done in a short period of time, with so many of you involved in the performance. I was very impressed with the amount of initiative and teamwork observed in the process. I am especially impressed with the new members of the committee, pple like Elliot, Russell and Jonathan Hoong who have since shown their side of leadership.
Thank you for the job well done. And even though we did not win any prizes, I want you to know that you are ALL WINNERS to me, and I'm sure to Ms Boey as well. ;)

It is not the prize of winning that matters... it is the learning process, the experiences & the good times we shared that is the best prize of all...
There were many things that I am pleased with, some of which are as stated below.
1. Despite not knowing exactly how to make lanterns, you'ver gone out to make them using trial and error methods. You impressed me with lanterns of all weird shapes and sizes in triangles and in cubes.... in fishy shapes and in flowers... ;D We ended up with about 8 of them.. or even more if we add those really odd ones... lol. and 2 super ceiling to floor fire crackers that was made up of about 300 angbaos or more. I dunno.. hahah..

2. You guys worked on several afternoons despite your own committments and rehearsals for the CNY performances. You took the initiative to find friends to help, whether you hold a role in class or not. Your committed spirit and willingness to contribute impressed me.

3. The way you guys worked... the teamwork... helping one another put up the lanterns on the ceilings, sharing laughs and jokes while rolling the angbaos into what resembled 'love letters'.... will be as said "In Memories, We are Rich".

Thanks for the good times. With this, enjoy the lovely pictures. ;) Happy Ox Year, 2G!

Mrs Melissa Lim

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