Friday, December 5, 2008

2G Class Committee 2009

Dear Guys,
I hope you are enjoying your holidays so far. Do remember that despite it being a holiday, you should make some time to read up on your text books, or if you have already done so, start reading up your new texts. Or if you are dilligent, you could start on some assessments... (No.. this is not being 'Kiasu' or anything negative you can think of.. this is management of time, balancing work and play, and of course, starting up a momentum slowly then picking up when the new term begins. Let's all start the new year on a positive note... new year resolution; not just good grades but FAN-TERRIFIC grades!! Well... anyway, this is not a post to start nag-versations but for you to vote, or rather propose our new batch of 2G Class Committee 2009.
Our Class Committee 2008, made up of many wonderful, dedicated people, have since grown over the terms we've had together. The understanding for one another in work and in play, have since helped to established firm friendships and an invisible bond among you guys. Many of you would agree with me that some of these friends we have with us, have definitely built good rapport, maturity and leadership that earned our respect and admiration. Not all of us do things or carry out tasks in the same 'likable manner'... but I've seen how different people progress, in terms of leadership, problem-solving, being a mediator in peer disagreements or just being there to lend a listening ear. These people are the ones who have helped bring the class together, bringing about the 1G Spirit. Most of these people, if you have noticed are quiet workers, the kind that "dun just talk.. but do". And for this bunch of people, I applaud your every effort to keep the spirit of 1G alive, no matter what obstacles or setbacks that came your way, You've chose to persist and not to be beaten. It is not easy to be a leader, but you guys have done well, no matter how minor you think your role is... YOU MADE A DIFFERENCE!!! Cheers!!!
I will not wait for the new year to begin my election of a new committee. I will start noting the potential names from now. Please response to this post through the comments option with your recommendations of your peers, or yourself (I admire people who vote for themselves, coz this only shows that they want to serve, despite knowing that its not going to be an easy task).
If you are already a member of Class Committee 2008, you may re-elect yourself, should you really enjoy your job. I do hope, however, that there will be new potential leaders who will step forward on your own accord as this will be a great opportunity for you to new experiences and to build up leadership qualities and confidence that will last you a lifetime.
So.... I'll really appreciate your spontaneous responses on this matter, because all your votes matter and I want to hear from each and everyone of you from the Class of VS2G2009. (Pls kindly pass the msg around so that those who are seldom online will log in to comment. Parents, you may also contribute your suggestions or ideas on how the class committe can further improve in 2009.)
Looking forward to your responses... ;)
"3 Cheers" to 1G Class Com 2008. (Thank you for all your contributions!!!)
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Beach Cleanup

Hey guys..
Super overdued pictures of you @ beach cleanup..
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, November 21, 2008

1G Class Outing II - Futsal Championships 2008


Mrs Melissa Lim

Thanks For The Fun, 1G!

Dear Guys,

I hope you had lots of fun! ;) I did.... yes, despite almost having a heart arrest at half time. LOL

Anyway, I hope you've had a fruitful bonding session with the others in class.

Thank you to all the parents who turned up and very gamely joined in the fun and bonding with their sons. Special shout-out to Jen & Melanie, who both very sportingly participate in the 'guy-sport'. Impressive game we've had!

Enjoy the pictures. I'll see ya next year... meanwhile, we'll keep in touch via the blog.

Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Class Outing

Theres been a change of timing for the class outing! Its from 9.00 to 11.00a.m. Pls come at around 8.45 as we have to tell you your groupings. also, pls bring along and hand up the consent form on the day itself. Thanks!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Consent Form for Class Outing II

Dear Guys,

Please see the link to the file for the consent form.

Do let me reiterate this. I hate the trouble of the consent form too. But this is part of the safety procedures that we need to take as a school.

Pls kindly have the consent form emailed back to me at or have it printed and submitted to me into my box outside the staff room by the 18th November 2008.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Testing out EZ Share

Hi Guys,

I have just installed a widget for file uploads. Hence, likely I'll post the consent form up and post the link on the blog. Just wait for it. Meanwhile, I have the following links posted for your viewing. (Do let me know if it does not work. You'll need to go through about 3 pages to be able to save and download it. No choice ;) its FOC program.)

If all's well, I will post the E-news Issue 2 as well and the consent form for the outing. ;)


Mrs Melissa Lim

*** Impt: Consent form for Class Outing II

Dear Guys,

All those attending the class outing, are to fill up a consent form for administrative purposes.
Hence, those who are attending the futsal event, please kindly reply to this post with your email address, so that I can email you the consent form asap. If your parents have been receiving my emails, I will be sending the form to their Emailbox by this thursday, 13/11/08.

All forms are to be downloaded, details to be typed into the spaces provided and acknowledged by your parents with signature / computer-generated initial with their contact numbers provided.

This is important as it serves as an information to your parents, as well as, for safety and precautionary measures.

*** Please kindly reply to my email with the attached consent form for safe keeping, by the Tuesday, 18/11/08.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Looking forward to a fun-filled class outing II!!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Parents attending Class Outing

Parents who are attending the outing pls post a comment here. Pls leave your name, your son's name and whether you would like to play Futsal.

Posted By:
Jeremy (Welfare Rep) & The Class Com

Class Outing Attendants

People who are going for the class outing pls post a comment here and leave your name. Those who want to play futsal pls say so.

Posted By:
Jeremy (Welfare Rep) & The Class Com

End Of Year Class Outing

Hi guys. We have decided that we will go to East Coast on 21st of November for our class outing. It will be from 9.30am-11.30am. We will be renting a Futsal court for 2 hours and there will be 4 matches of 30 min each. The players will be divided into 4 teams, if possible with at least 1 team composed of parents. Team 1 & 2 will face off in the first round, Team 3 & 4 in the second round. The winning team of each round challenge each other to see who is the ultimate champion. The other 2 teams will also get to compete against each other.

The other not so sporty people can play scrabble against the champion (Mrs Lim) or go to the arcade nearby. Other games will also be provided.

Things to do:
  1. People who are coming for the class outing pls post a comment in the post labelled 'Class Outing Attendants' (Leave your name). People who would like to play Futsal pls say so in your post.
  2. Parents who are coming pls post a comment on the post titled 'Parents attending Class Outing'. Parents who would like to play Futsal pls say so in your post.

Parents are very welcome for the outing. There is a special offer for students so you will not need to worry about the cost.

Details of the outing can be found below:

Date: 21st November

Time: 9.30am-11.30am

Venue: Futsal court @ East Coast (Nxt to Long Beach)

Fee: $1

Activities: Futsal tournament* and other games.

(Mrs Lim will be giving a treat for the Dramafest actors and those who helped in the MTP session so pls attend.)

*Trophies will be awarded to the winning team.

Anybody who has enquiries pls email me at or call me at 65820847. Thank You and wish you all a happy holiday!

Posted By:

Jeremy(Welfare Rep) & The Main Com

Thursday, October 23, 2008

BEST CLASS Award 2008!!!

Congratulations, 1G!!

You deserve this award for winning the 'Best Class Design Award', for the Best Class Spirit and for attaining the lowest number of late comers for the year.

Be proud of who you are. Be proud of the class you are in.... a class above the rest!

For all the times you stood by me... giving me the inspiration and strength to carry me through...

I thank you! ;)

With lots of love,
Mrs Melissa Lim

Meet-The-Parents ;)

Dear Guys,

The MTP session is finally over. ;)
I've met your parents. They've heard a lot about you, what naughty things you did in school, of coz the great things you did as well. I have also shared a lot about how you have progressed academically over the year and what improvements you've got to make.

I have GREAT expectations for the lot of you. And I think it is very important that you start setting goals for yourself too. Have faith in yourself and continue to strive hard for greater successes... one step at a time.

If you have done well... don't slacken. Continue to do what is right, something must be correct... so keep at it. Challenge yourself to greater things in life. Take up a sport if you are not someone who is very fit. Do something different this holiday... pick up Salsa dancing with your mom? ;) Learn something new this holiday. Take up art, learn a new instrument. Or at least, aim to spend more quality time with your family, help out with some chores, babysit your sister.... or volunteer your time for the better of the community at large. DO SOMETHING FRUITFUL.

If you did not meet expectations academically, do yourself a favour. Start setting goals for yourself. Plan a study time table for the holidays. Set aside time to read up. This is not time to cry over spilled milk. This is time to buck up and start doing something. Upset over your results? Well, its too late to change the grade on your report book.... but not to late to change your attitudes towards your studies. You can make that change. So do it. For yourself. ;) Plan, Plan, Plan. "Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail".

Its been a great, eventful evening. Thank you parents for turning up and sharing your evening with us. I hope you've taken away at least 1 learning point with you today. I have definitely learnt interesting stuff by just listening to you.

Thank you class com for being there to help out. Even under pressure, you were still able to support one another and deliver what you were tasked to do. And for that, I am very proud of you. ;) You guys have matured over time. I am very pleased to see how time has made you moth from being 'Little Devils' to little gentlemen that you guys are now. Do continue to improve and enhance yourself in your own learning. Be inquisitive, be dilligent and be a keen learner.

All the best, 1G! (I do hope I will follow the class up into Sec 2. I had a great time hanging out with you guys, teaching and spending time with you guys.)

In Memories We Are Rich!
With Love,
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Email to parents - Meet-The-Parents Session

Email to parents on 9th October 2008 at 12:57pm.

Dear Parents of 1G,

This email is to inform you that Victoria School will be holding a 'Meet-The-Parents' session for Secondary One, on the 22nd October 2008, Wednesday at 6:30pm.

Registration will be held in your child's classroom, followed by a chat session with the Form and Assistant Form Teachers. The session is likely to end at 8:30pm after the Principal's address and other short briefings. Hence, you might consider having an early dinner on that day.

The boys have been given a copy of the programme and a reply slip for indication of your attendance for the event. Both parents are invited to attend. Please kindly have it returned to us by 15th October.

Thank you and have a lovely week ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya

Dear guys,

Firstly, am taking this chance to wish all of our muslim friends a Selamat Hari Raya. ;p

For the rest of you guys who are not celebrating the occasion, do ensure that you make good use of this short holiday to read up and revise your work for the coming examinations next week.

There is very little time left from the last countdown. I really do hope you are all very prepared for this major examination in your junior year in VS. Eat well... zzzz well...

Start mugging!!!! ;p
Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are you READY?

Dear Guys,

By the time you read this message, you would have completed 2 mock exams.
How are you feeling? Are you happy with how you have performed? Are you stressed and pressured to perform better?

I hope you are happy as you studied and you did your best for the paper. You took it like its the real paper and you did all you could to score. But I hope you are not overly happy and are complacent, because there is still the year end exams to sit for and you should be more than ready to sit for that. ;p

I do also hope you are stressed and pressured enough to perform better. You are never too good... well, if you think you are.. I'll be really upset to know that. Do however, take little breaks from your revision and breathe in alittle fresh air. Relax, listen to some light soft music that will relax your buzzing brains... zzzzz.... power naps in the afternoons can help you POWER UP! Take a short walk, enjoy the greenery and eat healthy. Green tea and junk food can make you lethargic and zap your memory. ;p

Do heed my advice and form the study groups that can help you in your learning and understanding of your work. Do not hesitate to ask questions NOW when in doubt.

Enjoy your revision! Work hard!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank you for the Memorable Teachers' Day!

Dear Guys,

Its been great fun doing the Limbo... love it lots...

we should have a competition for this.. will be fun! ;p


Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Email to Parents

Email to Parents...

Dear Parents of 1G,

The Ministry of Education (MOE) is conducting a research study on the English Language and Mathematics achievement of secondary school students.
Victoria School has been identified to support this study, which will involve a random selection of students having to take a test administered by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB).

The students of the following classes have been selected by MOE to take the tests are:
1C, 1G, 1H, 2D, 2F, 2I, 3C, 3F, 3G 3H.

The details of the tests are as follows:

1. Candidature
Students will take either the English Language test or the Mathematics test. NOTE: Invigilators will assign the subject that each student will take on the day of the test.

2. Test Date & Time
28 August 2008 Thursday
Secondary 1 & 2 classes 1.40pm – 3.55pm
Secondary 3 classes 2.15pm – 4.30pm

3. Venue
Students will take the test in their own classrooms.

4. Invigilators
SEAB will provide invigilators and markers for the tests.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Mrs Melissa Lim
Form Teacher of 1G
Victoria School

Monday, August 25, 2008

*** Important: Library fines and Overdued books

Dear guys,

Please note that the following students have overdue book(s)and/or fine(s).


Please be informed that these students concerned are to return/pay theirbook(s)/fine(s) at the library before friday, or they will not get back their report slips until they have done so. Spread the message.

Thank you.
Have a great week ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Are you R.E.V.I.S.I.N.G?

Dear Guys,

I am happy to note that some of you have started your revision and are studying hard.
You do not have the luxury of time so pls do start if you have yet to begin any form of revision for the year end exams.

Let me know if you need more help for planning a time table to study. Otherwise, what I have mentioned and done in class in the last FT time would be sufficient for you to get yourself started. You'll need all the motivation you can get + the determination to wanna make it. ;p Prep yourself for your revision journey and tell yourself that you'll make it, no matter how long the journey would be.

*** Important ***

I'll need your help to complete your CIP of 6 hours, so that all these can be recorded in your report slips at year end. However, the following names are people who have not completed your CIP. You'll need to see me if you want me to plan a CIP for you.

Jonah, Jeremy, Benjamin, Darwish, Deon, Hansel, Iskandar, Jonathan Hoong, Lucas, Shuai Chen, Weiquan, Weiming, Nicholas, Nikhil, Anirudh, Russell, Lip Sing, Kian Meng, Kenneth, Enquan, Timothy.

The above names have incomplete or ZERO CIP hours for year 2008.
If you think there might be a mistake, you can see me to check out or approach your teacher whom you did CIP for to confirm this.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Important SEAB test notice!!!

Dear Guys,

Pls be informed that your class have been identified by MOE for the research study on the English Language and Mathematics achievement of secondary school students.

Your class will be taking some tests administered by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB).

Details for the test is as follows:

i.On the day of the test, invigilators will assign the subject that each student will take.
ii. Test Date: 28 August 2008 (Thursday) from 1.40 - 3.55pm.

Pls spread the word to those who do not log on to the blog.
Jeremy, pls print or write this notice on the board. Thank you.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, August 4, 2008

"Care With A Can"

Dear guys,

I need you to indicate on a class list if you have contributed some food for the "Care with a Can" event by tomorrow. You may get a class list from Jonas / Kokul. Pls indicate clearly what you have contributed (e.g. Sardine, Ayam Brand or 3 cans of Campbell Soup) and sign after it.

If I do not receive any names by wednesday, I will assume that none of you have contributed.

Thank you.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, August 2, 2008

CIP - Beach Cleanup MAKEUP

Dear Guys,

Pls note that the Sec 1 CIP - Beach Cleaning make up date is on next Tuesday 5 Aug at 2.30pm for all absentees.

Pls will wait outside the General Office on that afternoon with your trashbags and see Mr David Lee, FT of Sec 1I and asst form teacher. They will be the ones who are facilitating the beach cleanup makeup for that day.

Thanks and have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CE Lesson on 4th August, Monday

Dear Guys,

This coming Monday, 4 Aug 08, CE lesson is based on the topic of Citizenship Education to allow us further understanding on the significance of National Day. You'll be creating an artistic expression on the theme “Celebrating the Singapore Spirit” as a class.

Items to bring for CE lesson:
1. Anything that represents the Singapore Spirit.
Example: Photographs, posters, flags, stickers, artifacts of Singapore’s places, pictures of personalities, attractions, memories or achievements.
2. Colouring materials.
Such as colour pencils, magic pens, markers, crayons.
3. Other materials.
Such as magazines (for collages), glue, and scissors.

The best artistic expression for each level stands to win prizes.
The expressions will be judged based on:
· Relevance and significance (50%)
· Aesthetic value (30%)
· Creativity (20%)

Please pack your bags with the necessary items and be ready to let your creative juices flow.

Happy National Week!!!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, July 28, 2008

Library Fines

Dear Guys,

According to library records, the following students have book(s)/fine(s) that are overdue/not paid:


Pls kindly pay up the fine and add a comment to this post when you've done so by this friday.

Thanks alot.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, July 25, 2008

Email to Parents - Events & CA2 Common Tests

Email to parents on 25th July 2008. Please inform parents regarding this email as some mails were bounced. Thanks. ;p

Dear Parents,

I hope you have had a fine week and that this email finds you well.

We're in the third term of the second semester and the boys should be preparing for their common tests by now. In order to assist and monitor your child's revision, I have posted the CA2 common test schedule on the class blog for your reference.

On the blog, you'll also get to read about the recent happenings in school, as well as, the latest events in VS and in the hyperactive class of 1G. ;p

Also, our class committee are in the midst of planning our end of year class outing. This time, we are hoping to involve more daddies, in our 'Father-Son Soccer Mania'. Of course, the mummies who feel fit to join in, may do so.

Til then, do visit our class blog for recent updates.
Have a lovely weekend.

Best regards,
Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Information for Speech Day Servers

Dear Servers,

Thank you for your volunteered services.
The following will be some information that you'll need.

1. Speech day; 2nd August 2008, Saturday.
2. Reporting time: 4pm @ 3rd level Homec Kitchen.
3. Compulsory Attire: Washed & Ironed School Uniform & School Tie. Clean socks & shoes.
4. Items to bring along: Black Apron & Bandana. (Washed clean & ironed)
5. Others: Short & neat hairstyle, Trimmed fingernails.

Depending on what time the event ends, you'll be allocated CIP hours accordingly. (Usual practice is 3 hours, but if you have served more, you'll be given the additional hours.)

I will be calling for a very brief meeting next week on monday to let you know exactly what you'll need to bring and what to practice at home. You'll be also meeting pupils from 2C who are experts in the field of serving. Many have served in last year's Speech day.

Have a great day ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, July 21, 2008

RH Day Celebrations 2008

Dear Guys,

I hope you have all enjoyed a fun-filled and meaningful RH day. This day is special and let's all ensure that we get to celebrate this day every year. ;p

Thank you those who have turned up decked in your most beautiful ethnic costumes... and to those who din but tried your very best to get one. I appreciate your efforts and am sure you did what was your best for the class.

Just in case you did not know, we were the 2nd in line to winning the class prize of the most number of ethnic participants. The 1st was 3B.. I've counted, we have 12... which frankly, already quite a number, considering many of us do not usually dress up in this form of clothing often.

Anyway, I hope you had fun and may you continue to have a great week ahead.
3 cheers for 1G!!!

Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Happy Racial Harmony Day, 1G!

Dear Guys,
We celebrate this special day, 21st July and at the same time, commemorate the Racial Riots, which took place on 21 July 1964. We must not take our peace and prosperous development in Singapore for granted as too much had been sacrificed for us to learn the hard way... that Singapore will only continue to prosper and progress through her people - her only resource. Thus, it is of outmost importance for us to practice racial harmony in our classroom, in our school, our community and in our society at large.... & appreciate that, amidst our differences, we are living in a safe, peaceful and prosperous diverse-city like Singapore. Cheers!!!
Declaration on Racial Harmony
We, the people in Singapore, declare that religious harmony is vital for peace, progress and prosperity in our multi-racial and multi-religious Nation.
We resolve to strengthen religious harmony through mutual tolerance, confidence, respect, and understanding.
We shall always...
Recognise the secular nature of our State,
Promote cohesion within our society,
Respect each other's freedom of religion,
Grow our common space while respecting our diversity,
Foster inter-religious communications,
and thereby ensure that religion will not be abused to create conflict and disharmony in Singapore.

Happy Racial Harmony Day 2008!
Have a great week ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim
p/s: Dun forget your study groups!!!

Attire for RH day - 21st July 2008, Monday

Dear Guys,

I know many of you are getting all stressed out over RH day... yes... what to wear? what to wear? ;p (I think some of the malay and indian boys are gloating over the fact that they have lots of nice stuff to wear ya? ;p) hahahah.. anyway, chill ya...

If you are willing to spend alittle bit of $$$.. there are v cheap costumes in chinatown, you might be able to buy a bigger size and wear it for the next 3 years in VS.. ;p

If you are not willing to spend... you might wanna try borrowing a sarong from a friend.. I'm sure there are no sizes for sarong, its a wrap around cloth like a towel. You just need to ensure you wear something inside.. ;p Just pair it up with a white t shirt or something. I happen to have one sarong that was worn for the dramafest by satay man.. who wants??? ;p

If you are really lost... check out daddy's wardrobe and see if you can find a mandarin collar shirt and match it with a black pants or something.. ;p that will do the trick.

If you really 'bo chup' ... and insist on wearing your uniform... well, I have no ability to force you either, to be frank. ;p If you have already tried hard to find a piece, yet to no avail... DUN STRESS!!! I am not going to break your neck for that!!! ;p

So let's see how much class spirit we've got in 1G... maybe we can win a prize or 2 from the best dressed class competition for our next class outing. ;p

It's going to be FUN!!!

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Racial Harmony Day 2008

Dear Guys,

We will be celebrating racial harmony day on 21st July 2008 (next Mon) and a line-up of activities have been planned by the RHD Committee to celebrate this very important day.

As such, we are encouraging ALL of you to don ethnic costumes next Monday as we will be having a Best Dressed Class Pageant on that day! Hence, I'll need your help to urge your friends and everyone else in your class to wear ethnic costumes to school on 21st July.
Prizes will be given to the most enthusiastic class with the most no. of students in ethnic wear. This is an excellent way to show some class 1G spirit.

Thank you and have an enjoyable, meaningful RHD 2008!

Have a great week ahead.
Dun forget to vote for your favourite RH day Sewing Projects!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, July 11, 2008

CIP - Beach Cleanup 28th July 2008

Dear Guys,

Please note that there will be CIP for the whole class on the 28th July 2008. This is done at the whole Secondary 1 level and your assigned day is as such. Should you not be able to make it on this day, you will need to check with me when are the other available dates for you. You will be required to join another class on another day that was assigned for them.

Attendance is COMPULSORY.

On this day, you will need to bring the following:
1) PE attire
2) Water bottle
3) Umbrella/sunblock lotion
4) Plastic bags (to be used as gloves)

I will be handing out consent forms next week.

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, July 4, 2008

"Care with a Can" Project

Dear Guys,

For this year's Youth Day, VS is taking on the Care with a Can Project where we are appealing to all students and teachers to donate a can of food to help those in need.

We are working with Marine Parade Family Service Centre to contribute food supplies to needy households that have an income of less than $300 per month.

Please help the needy by bringing a can(s) of food and drop it at the collection point at the foyer (between the Heritage Room & the General Office) from 9 to 11 July (Wed - Fri). (Do check the expiry date!)

Your contribution will mean a lot to the needy.... So let's do alittle something as a class to help the needy!

Thank you. Your kindness is appreciated!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Happy Youth Day!!!

Happy Youth Day, Guys!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed the ice cream...
Do think about what and how you can contribute as youths to the society k.

Have a great long weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Deadlines and other info

Dear Guys,

I think there is a need to emphasize what deadlines are. There are some of you who are not able to understand the importance of meeting deadlines, or at least the courtesy to inform in advance if you cannot meet them. (Sad to say, these includes pple in the class com. )

I think all of you should learn to be responsible in carrying out your duties as a student or as a leader in the class. Learn it well now and, you'll go very far in the near future.

This is a gentle reminder to all who are involved in the skipping tomorrow and the class who are involved in the start right seminar:
1) All indemity forms not submitted to Mr Ben Khor tomorrow before the skipping will not be awarded CIP hours..
2) All edusave and consent forms are to be FULLY completed and submitted to Jonas by monday. (Spread the msg to those who do not log on to the blog.)

*** There will be a Meet-The-Parents session coming up this term. The dates are not confirmed as yet but you will be informed in due time. As for now, just let your parents know, so that they are prepared with some questions to ask.

Dun forget what I've said in the above. You are all matured boys, so as what Mr Maran would say; "Do THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT."

Have a revisionful weekend. (I should see study groups by next week...... )
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, June 27, 2008

Attention, Class Committee.

Dear Class Com,

I'll be arranging for a brief meeting on monday, 30th June 2008, after school at 215pm expected to finish by 3pm.

I expect everyone to turn up. Hence, should you have CCA or for whatever reason, unable to attend, pls have the courtesy to inform me PERSONALLY.

1. Class Com duties
2. Class Discipline
3. Study Groups
4. Start Right Seminar
5. Class Outing
6. AOB

Have a restful weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Rules of life.. (In summary) by Bill Gates

Dear Guys,

You have read some postings on rules of life.
You might be interested to read alittle summary of it... by Bill Gates.
Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this! Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

I hope you'll take away at least 1 rule from this posting and do better with your lives.. you can start with thanking your parents and starting a study group. ;p

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, June 26, 2008

VS PSG DragonBoat Festival

Dear Parents of 1G,

Pls kindly read the email below by Mr Yip, chairman of our VS PSG and Co-ordinator for School Family Education Team. You might want to consider participating in the event below for more family bonding.;p

Have a great term 3.
Mrs Melissa Lim

P/s: 2nd issue of 1G E-news will be out as soon as the average results from SA1 has been updated online, of which you'll be informed in due time. Do also find time to look up our class blog for more interesting events that is to come.

Dear Parents,

Warmest Greetings !

I hope you have enjoyed the school break with your sons!
As I have previously outlined, our PSG/SFE work plan for FY2008/9 have lined up some very exciting programs for our parents....I am pleased to share with you the upcoming event in July... Our first ever "Victoria Dragon Boat Fest" at Bedok Reservoir on Sat,5th July 2008 !

Unlike our usual talks and workshops in the school, this is the firsttime that we are organising an outdoor event which will allows both parents and children to participate.The event is aimed to bring the family closer in this challenging exercise... How often can you and your family get into a Dragon Boat and race down Bedok Reservoir? So don't miss this great opportunity tohave this family bonding, especially when Father & Son paddle in a dragon boat race together!

For more information and registration, please refer to the 4 attacheddocuments. Alternatively, you can also view the info and download the registration form at

Please note that payments and registration form are to be handed in to school’s seneral office before July 2nd (Wednesday).For those who drive, some parking is available at Carpark 1; and alternative parking is available at Carpark 2 (the Multi-storey at theend of Bedok Reservoir View). Please direct all your enquiries to the

Best Regards,
Yip Ying Kiong
Victoria School Parent Support Group ( VS PSG ) And Co-ordinator forSchool Family Education Team (PSG-SFE)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Welcome Back.. To A Fun & Eventful Semester 2!

Dear Guys,
Welcome back to school! I hope you've had a fun and relaxing holiday.
As I've mentioned this morning, we should all be ready to a fresh and brand new start, and be all energized to conquer the new term! Yes, you've heard me. Conquer for Excellence we must! As said this morning, I hope all of you will start forming little peer study groups and get the act together. It's NEVER too early to start and I hope the class as a whole will hold on to each other and reach for greater heights together.. as 1G.
For the lot of you who have done well, I urge you to share that x-factor, be it dilligence or intelligence with your classmates. It could be a mere nudge that will help motivate one of your friends to better that extra inch in his work.. and that nudge could be from YOU! Yes, think about it. ;p
This is going to be short term, a very short semester. So time to "throw out the old socks and put on some clean, new, tardy ones".. you know what I mean? ... well, coz i seriously dun think we'll have time to pull at them this term.
I wish you all the best, 1G.
Nil Sine Labore.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Charity Mass Skipping, 5th July Saturday

Dear Guys,

There will be a CHARITY MASS SKIPPING on 5 july, sat at kg kembangan MRT field from 3pm - 6pm. This is an invitation to many schools for participation whereby with every 20 skips made, a bowl of rice will be provided for the needy by corporate sponsors.

A t-shirt and goodie bag, certificate of appreciation, as well as, 3hours of CIP will be provided with your participation. You can use the chance to get rid of some excess holiday fats too. ;p

Let me know if you are interested in this event by replying to this email under comments. You may form groups and participate as a class, it will be a fun and meaningful activity.

Thanks and have a great holiday.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Email to Parents - 1G Bowling Champs!

Emailed to Parents on 24 May 00:00am.

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your time and participation in our class outing. It was an extremely fun and eventful 2 hours at the alley, mingling with you and watching the 'Parent-Son' teams having so much fun together.
Personally, I have gained so much from speaking with you guys, with so much insights on the boys and on what goes on at home in your family. It was a very fun-filled and fulfiling afternoon. I have posted some lovely pictures of you on our class blog for sharing with your spouse and family who were absent in the event, and of course, for keepsake. ;p
Once again, thank you very much for taking time off to join us in this event. I hope you have had as much fun as I did this afternoon.

Have a restful weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Friday, May 23, 2008

More happy pictures of you...

We should have a 'Parent-Son' lookalike contest next time!!!! ;p
Once again, THANK YOU for your time and participation in our class outing, Parents.
Have a great 'Family Week' 2008.
Mrs Melissa Lim

1G Bowling Championships 2008

Dear Guys,

I hope you all have enjoyed yourselves and had a great time. Some of you were addicted to the game!!! ;p I am so glad you enjoyed it!

Congrats to winners and non-winners... I'm sure you have all gained something through this event, for me, it was great pleasure to have met your parents and to be able to mingle, have carrot cake with some of them. I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.

To my class committee, I hope this has provided you some form of opportunity and experience to plan an event. The next time, I'll be bowling and you'll be doing the job of planning the entire thing yourselves!!!!! ;p

Enjoy these beautiful pictures.

Cheers, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

Mrs Melissa Lim