Friday, March 28, 2008

Rules Of Life (Lesson 3)

Here's more insights from 'Rules Of Life'. I am so enjoying ths book. It inspires me and I can't wait to finish it!

Rule 6 - Count to 10 - Or recite 'Baa Baa Black Sheep'.
Somewhere, somehow, sometime.... someone will like and attempt to 'press your button' (Imagine you are a little robot and you have an ON/OFF switch button. And the player comes along and decides when he will turn you on or off.) Its your anger button I am talking about btw. Anyway, before you react, get angry, response negatively or are ready to self-defend, collect your wits and calm down... count to 10, sing a song in your head and at the same time, find an appropriate response. (You'll realise that as you count, you will feel less anger in you, you'll eventually calm down and think in a clearer light. )

Rule 7 - Aim To Be The Very BEST At Everything You Do - NOT Second Best!
I love this rule. This is something I live by and aim to achieve. This is the Virgo's pride as I had mentioned in my previous posts. Hahah.. ;p Sometimes it can be quite adverse for me as I get angry with myself at times if I fail to perform. hmmm..

Anyway, this rule is a tall order, and seriously difficult. I believe in this and that can really be seen, i think. My husband calls me a perfectionist, he is upset that I refuse to have a second kid. Not that I dun like kids, but I feel that I should give my best to Mikael at this point in time. My very Best, as his mother. As a teacher, I give in my best as well (I am not sure how you feel about it, but I welcome feedback. ;p) As a pupil at your age, I was frankly alot like you, and it was one of my greatest regrets in life, I felt that I had not given my best and it would been much better if I had heeded my parents' advice. (Yes, so really.. I'm speaking from experience.) M dad used to tell me how I should always aim beyond 100% for everything. Be focussed and be in the 'moment'. "Failing is ok if you gave your BEST, but aiming for 2nd place is NOT."

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

1G Class Bowling Tournament

Dear guys,

Below is an email to your parents. However, some mails got bounced and was undelivered. Hence, pls kindly allow your parents to view this from our blog. Thanks. ;p

Dear Parents,

We would like to inform you that the 1G class committee is planning a class outing on the last day of school at the end of the term on 23rdMay 2008. We'll be having a class bowling tournament, of which both parent and son will team up with another team of parent-son against the rest of the class. This bowling tournament is planned in the afternoon at approx. 2pm atEast coast park Marine Bowl and should last about 2-3 hours.

This activity aims to provide more class interaction amongst the pupils and a mini casual 'Meet The Parents' session for FT and AFT, this will also hopefully, provide an opportunity for the parents to meet other parents and for them to know the classmates and friends whom their child is hanging out with.

Class 1G and I would like to invite you to this special class event where parents and sons can join hands in a game of skittles and mingles. Hence, pls kindly inform me if you are able to make it to this event by replying via email or through your son. Information and participation forms will be given out once all planning is completed in end April.

Prizes and trophies awaits you! We are looking forward to see you!
Have a good weekend ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim & 1G class committee

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rules Of Life (Lesson 2)

Today, I would like to share with you a couple more rules today.

Rule 3 - Know What Counts & What Doesn't
Some things in life are important and there are a whole lot of things that are not. Eg. Having time with our families and friends are important, but watching the latest movie isn't. Nurturing and learning the right values are important, dressing nice in branded and designer fashion isn't. Do more of what counts and should mean more than those things that fall under trivia in our lives.
(Think: What is important to you? BUT you are not doing them enough.... )

Rule 4 - Be Flexible In Your Thinking
If you think you know it all, have a crystallised thinking, you are done for and have lost the battle. To get most outta your life, always keep your options open, be flexible in thinking, open-minded to accept options and opportunities that come your way. (Think: Are you always mixing around with the same pple? Do you give others an opportunity to know you, and for you to know them? Do you stereo-type? Are you racist?)

Rule 5 - Be On The Side Of Angels, Not The Beasts *******
Every single day of our lives we are faced with an immense no. of choices... and more often than not, these choices boils down to being on the side of angels or beasts. (Which are you going to pick?) Every action we make has an effect on our family, pple around us, the society, the world in general. It can sometimes be a difficult choice, and its important that we set parameters for ourselves constantly as a guide and a reminder.

I hope these little rules of life can serve as a little form of inspiration and reminders for all of you.
(Think: What are you? What do you wanna be? What do you eventually wanna teach your future generations and the world in general? What do you wanna be remembered as?)

Mrs Melissa Lim

What A RELIEF!!! ;p

Dear all,

I AM SO GLAD!!! Now that Darren has got his laptop back. YAY!!!!! ;p

I think all of you should be grateful to your friends in 1E. They were the ones who have found the laptop and kept it in their class cupboard yesterday. You should all learnt the way they responsibly lock up the class everyday. No doubts about it, take the initiative to lock up their friends' items as well and to remind them constantly if they have brought in valuable stuff to look out for their own things.

I am so happy that despite all the trouble... its going to be a better day for me. Well, at least I know for sure you guys will leave for home today, learning something from this whole incident. Tho' we rejoice over the found laptop, I want you to remember what I had said in the food lab. That, all of you are one, as a class... and to devt a strong bond of brotherhood, you should work hard with one another, help each other in all ways possible, look out for each other as if you are really tied to by blood. As the saying goes (in chinese):"....... chu(1) wai(4) kao(4) peng(2) you(3). " which means "you depend on your friends when you are out in the society." It's the best that you form good relationships with one another.


Hence, I will not go on and pursue the case about who has been playing this nasty prank on Darren. However, I hope all of you will mature from this day forward and grow up into more responsible teenagers.

Have a gd day. (Am going home to have a gd zzzz.... was up all night ;p)
Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

If I Were You... ;(

This is seriously one of the most horrid day of the year for both me and Ms Boey. By now, I suppose all of you should know why.

Darren has v irresponsibly left his laptop in class during lunch, which was not locked. The new laptop is now missing. At this point, I muz admit that we have no clue who the culprit was or if someone is trying to safe keep for the poor guy, who is due for a terrible lashing from his dad.
Let me sum up in brief this issue.

Since, the last time we all started to tighten our security in class, lock all doors, and look out for our friends, NO SUCH CRIMES HAVE OCCURRED. Now, unfortunately for Darren, he forgot what I had so often PREACHED, and left his valuables in the class with NO ONE AROUND TO LOOK OUT FOR HIM. You have all let your guard down.... who can we blame?

Tell me... who in the right frame of mind will do this? Who is trying to be the 'good' friend here... not to remind him that he should carry his laptop with him everywhere he goes? Why is there no one to lock the doors? What is the class committee doing? Are all of you sleeping? Do you all just care and bother about yourselves? What is wrong with all of you? I am really in dismay at how irresponsible, careless, completely self-centred you guys are to just mind your own business. I really have no idea. BUT let me tell you what I have an idea about:

1. Whoever the culprit is, you have a choice to own up. If you ask me, I doubt Darren is bearing any high hopes of getting his laptop bag, tho I know he won't zzzz tonight and will not dare to since his dad is likely to come back and find out about this whole issue... and cane him. The poor guy did not even dare to go home and stayed with me til almost 6 this evening. (Think about that.)

2. You have up til 1pm tomorrow to OWN UP. If you dare to do it, I dun see why you dun dare to own up. Frankly, I do think some of you do have moral issues, under peer pressure etc etc... (No, I have no time to see your problem and your reasonings at this juncture. Sorry.)

3. IF NO ONE OWNS UP, Darren's mother is going to the police at 5pm tomorrow. By then, it will not be a school issue, it'll be a nation's issue and what you will be facing is a CRIMINAL charge under the law. I WILL SHOW YOU NO SYMPATHY.

4. Question: "So, the police are informed... so what?" Answer: The police will investigate and find out as much as possible. They will interrogate you and your friends, they will view the videos, or they might apply forensic science, CSI... you should all be quite familiar with that.

5. So what the odds that they'll find evidence?? Well... you can take your chances. BUT, IF YOU DO NOT OWN UP, YOU ARE AT THE LOSING END. Why? COZ YOU HAVE LOST YOURSELF. ... COMPLETELY! You can challenge me.. but note, the WINNER has been determined at this point already. (Read my previous post... "Your actions determine the person you are, the upbringing you have, your parents and all that you'll ever be." Too Chim for you... well.. I expected it anyway. Sorry, its my very disappointed me talking, at this point, its being tactless. But I really have no more energy to curb my tongue.) Yes, you may have gained in a material sense, but no, you have lost what is most important to you. Your INTEGRITY! (All you guys, must know this.... you can lose all things possible, but NEVER ever lose yourself and your self worth. OR YOU ARE NOTHING!(No matter how well you are in your studies, how rich you are or how handsome you look!)

6. Darren, I hope you'll get back your laptop. But if you dun, TRUST ME... What you have lost today, will be returned to you as a valuable lesson ever learnt, for you, and your friends. Its an expensive price to pay, but at least you have learnt to be wiser and mature from this. I am glad to see you able to face the music / conductor's stick and admit your mistake to your parents. You will grow from this and gain strength, afterall you know the saying: "Spare the rod and spoil the child." I am sure your parents are proud of you despite the punishment.

7. All of you should learn to respect yourself and your friends. My dad always tells me: "Your body is a temple, keep it clean and free of evil." Was it a nag? Yes it was. Was it a pain listening? Yes it was and still is. Was it worth my time? Definitely. Are you courageous to tell on your friends when you know its wrong? Are you free of evil? Do you harbour crude thoughts? Do you empathise? What are you made of? Do you even know? What have you been taught? What are you learning? What will you teach your future generations and your own children? These are questions I constantly remind myself.. as a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a teacher. yes i nag at myself, my friends say I talk to myself... maybe I'm bipolar, I dunno. What I do know is that I can differentiate the good and the evil. CAN YOU???

I AM SO DISAPPOINTED..... & HOPE ITS NOT ONE OF YOU, Coz I would be so ASHAMED.. as it is now, I would wish the earth would swallow me. (However, you are all suspects as there is no reason why any one else from the other classes will take his laptop since it is not common that pupils bring their laptops to school. The class was not ransacked and it all appears that this was INTENTIONAL.)

8. By recess tomorrow, the videos will be viewed. No questions will be further asked thereafter. And both me and Ms Boey will be waiting for you to own up and admit your mistake. Should we see no one after 1pm. We'll call Darren's mom and allow her to go ahead with her report to the authorities.

I hope I am very clear with what I have mentioned in the above. If its not you.. fine and good, you learnt something valuable today... a lesson you'll remember for a long time I believe. If you know who did it... I hope you'll do what is right... if its you, you have a choice before you reach a point of NO RETURN.

Sleep on what I've said.
(Sorry if I have used any form of harsh words. I have called a thousand pple this evening, hours on the heated up handphone. My mind is heated, my heart is heated. I can't think straight and dun think I can possibly zzz tonight. I dun believe I'm acting like this, but I am sooooooo disappointed that I can't imagine if my son will turn out this way. Ok i think I am so seriously going mental. Someone console me! I am so disgustingly sad!)

I shall say no more... I just spent more than an hour typing this.. HOW GREAT IS THAT! Time for a cold shower... i can feel hot air rising from my head.

Mrs Melissa Lim

Rules Of Life (Lesson 1)

Hi Guys,

I chanced upon this fantastic book on sale at the book fair and got it. As I read, I realised how true it is and how applicable it could be for all of us. Hence, I will be sharing with you what I have learnt and hopefully, you'll all benefit from it too. ;p

Rule 1 - You'll get older but not necessarily wiser.

Yes, and with this it means that wisdom isn't about not making mistakes but how we can all learn from them and resolve not to repeat the same mistakes again.

Rule 2 - Accept what is done is done.

And with mistakes, we get into trouble... so what do we do from there? Escape? Well, the lesson I learnt here is we should get on with life, admit the mistake.... blame nobody, and of coz, looking forward... as tomorrow will be a better day! ;p

I hope this is interesting for your casual read.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Welcome To 1G, Daryl!

Hi guys,

You should all have introduced yourselves to Daryl by the time you read this post. He is new to the class although he will be more familiar with VS than Joel. Do give him your support in his work and his life in 1G. We are a great class, (yes, definitely a class above the rest.. ;p), and I hope you'll all pick up positive vibes from each other and challenge each other to greater things.

I have seen how you guys geled in the DramaFest and committee work, and how you have become so close in friendship. I will love to see more of that and hopefully, in time to come, you can all claim this as a real form of 1G brotherhood.

Daryl, now that you are in 1G, I expect no less from you than the rest. You got to adapt fast and pick up the 'lost' pieces in the puzzle and fit in. Your attitude, conduct and results are a reflection of what 1G is all about and now that you are carrying the big name on your shoulder... carry it well. I hope you'll have a great time with us in 1G, Daryl. All the Best!

Have a G-ken-dy day!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Welcome to 1G, JOEL!

Hi Guys,

I guess by now, you would have known about our new friend who has joined the class.
Pls do make an effort to get to know Joel and bring him around, update him on the things we do here, the curriculum, the subjects you take and the activities you partake in. He is new and definitely will require all the help from the class to adapt and get used to life as a Victorian.

Joel, life in VS is colourful. So do make the best out of your time here and adapt quickly and make friends. 1G is a class of many faces, but we are made of great pple who wanna do great things. I wish you all the best in your new life with us. NIL SINE LABORE!

Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, March 17, 2008

Welcome Back! It's Term 2...

Hi Guys,

Welcome back to school!
It is going to be a great Term 2 for the class, now that you know how the school operates and should have adjusted to life in VS. I have since watched many of you grown, in a short span of 10 weeks, into more matured young teenagers, independent and more responsible in behaviour. Cheers to you!

It is Term 2.. there will be more to look forward to with the Sports Day approaching and exciting events planned by the class... In end May, we will be having the 1G's family Bowling championships. We are inviting your parents and yourselves to team up with another family in this bowling game, of which, winners will walk away with prizes. The date for this class event will likely be on the 23rd May at 2pm. I'll strongly encourage you guys to inform your parents and let them know about this event where we can all get together and enjoy an afternoon chilling out at the alley. More information will be provided in due time. So stay tuned! ;p

With the start of Term 2, I would like to kindly remind you guys to be responsible for yourselves and your actions. "You reap what you sow"... this is something I was reminded time and again when I was younger... and it is something I live by til today. Hence, I hope all of you will also live by it and make the best out of the potential you have in you. It is going to be a good start, so start fresh, pick up the momentum of your revision if you have started during the hols, if not, START NOW!!!... manage yourself well (so that others dun have to manage you ;p) build up leadership skills and qualities, by exposing yoursef to available opportunities and NEVER LET YOUR CLASS DOWN.

I wish you all the best for the term ahead.
Take care, stay healthy and Happy Easter!
Mrs Melissa Lim

Saturday, March 15, 2008

DramaFest 2008 rehearsal TAKE 2

These were photos taken at the rehearsals. Great job! Excellent efforts with loads of effort from Renjie who acts as MAMA... Girly, spontaneous Jeremy as 'Girl-Next-Door' and likewise, Enquan as KPO Ah Soh. ;p

Other leads... Hansel the ah Beng who tries hard to cut away his accent. Mr Deon, as the bochup MOO... amongst others, the story teller.. the interesting peeps at the market.. esp, the O so interesting beggar Jonathan. Its the Purrfect role for you, won't all of you agree?;p
Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rehearsal Day 2!

Hi Guys,

Just for those who were not around to watch the dramafest pple in action today... I wanted you guys to know that we really do have budding talents in 1G! Great effort and wonderful performance.. V gd for a day 2!

Keep it up.. enjoy the rest of your hols.. dun forget to memorise your lines and talk to the mirror! Great improvements over 2 days.. I expect more by Monday!!!

Gd night. will post the video as soon as i figure my card out in the TV.. That was really STUPID!!!! ;p

Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Class 1G's E-News (Issue No. 1)

Hey guys,

A copy of the 1G's E-News have been sent to your parents. Pls kindly note that some of the email addresses to your parents have been returned due to an unrecognised email address. Hence, should your parents not receive any email updates from me, it is likely that you have provided me with a faulty email address. To date, I have sent 3 email updates.
Do keep me posted if the email addresses are still in use ok. ;p

Thank you.
Good night, zzz tight, dun let the bedbugs bite. ;p
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, March 10, 2008

DramaFest 2008 rehearsal TAKE 1

Hi peeps of 1G,

Today's the 1st day of the DramaFest 2008 preparations for 1G. A total of about 15 boys turned up today for script training, making of props among all others. It was a good start to our prep. Many of the leads were prepared and able to grasp their roles well.. yeah..well enough to make their friends laugh crazy. Its a crazy stupid script alright!!!

Pple of dramafest: It was an easy day today, really... coz I was half the time engaged in my workshop... yeah.. but my heart and mind was with the class.. hahaha.. noty student I am.. ;p anyway.. yes training will be much tougher on wed and the days to come.. I am v happy with the props people.. super efficient.. we completed the lollipops, we did the cow's suit with tail.. we figured the clouds, props were organized, most of you brought your costumes, which I'll get the props pple to pack nicely into bags so that we dun lose any and are able to keep track of our stuff.

Come wed... we 'll be doing lots.. voice training and projection.. pls make sure you come with lines rehearsed.. yes over and over.. yes like I said in my prev. post.. you'll go crazy.. you'll think you have become psychotic.. and so have your family.. you'll be getting into your roles.. you will think of it in your dreams.. haha... are you going mad??? well YES!!!! ;p well, and if you think you have no lines like deon.... well.. you'll have to make faces in front of the mirror and figure some looks for the cow... you think that's easy? I think its harder than verbalising them.. coz you have to deal with all the scrunchy faces.. hahahahha.. MOO!!!!

I hope you guys had fun today.. we'll be doing more lights and sound.. so pls keep you ears open for ideas online that you can get your hands on.. we'll see what we can do on wed. I haven't directed a script in a month.. and if you ask me.. I really dunno if it'll all work out.. but I am really HAPPY and PROUD to have you guys here to support me and the class.. and yes each other in this. So hopefully all of us can give it our best shot and have a hella time during this dramafest!!

Cheers! (To all drama papas...)
Mrs Melissa Lim
p/s: Am taking pictures on wed.. pls bring your costumes and props.. and a nice wide cheeky smile!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Well done, Guys!

Dear guys,

You should all by now received your results slips. Most of you have done well for your CA1. (Pat on the back). Remember, what I had mentioned in class, to be motivated by your gd results and study harder. Give your best in all that you do. If you have not met expectations, its ok. Make use of the hols to catch up on your work.. strive for better results the next time around. I'm sure you'll improve, so dun be disheartened. Have faith in yourselves.

Its a short break for all, except for the drama participants.. ;p but guys, trust me, we'll have so much fun! So yes, have a gd break.. See ya soon..

p/s: Meantime, do keep a lookout on what's going on in 1G class room on the blog during the hols... the drama pple are working realy hard for their skit!!!

Mrs Melissa Lim

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

DramaFest rehearsal & Script training

Hi guys,
I want you to know that this play is really an excellent opportunity to showcase your talent, whether you are into drama or not. It is also a chance you can give yourself and to challenge on what you think you cannot do, build confidence thru acting infront of an audience etc... seriously, how manyof you had a chance at acting or contributing to a big production... I am sure those who are keen to participate are those who either had experience.. or had none at all and wish they can have a chance at it.. (correct me if i'm wrong.) I was a drama teacher in charge before and even I feel that i learnt alot from each pupils' production... from lights.. to sound, props, makeup, costume, time management .. acting.. and lots of v creative ideas.. you will be sooooo overwhelm really if you look behind the scenes and see theamount ofwork they do.. and how the backstage pple are vvv important for the whole show. ;p It is an opportunity that i feel no one should let slip.. I am not saying that its going to be all fun and no pain.. all good things come with pain and sacrifices.. time is sacrificed for training.. you'll probably end up talking to yourself.. rehearsing your lines.. you will be doing so much of that, that you'll think and dream about it in bed... you'll rehearse in the loo and likely to an audience.. (your family.. they will be the best critics.) ;p You muz of coz balance this with your school work and ... come on.. you are Victorians.. I'm sureyou know what to do!

Monday 10th March
Training will be from 8am - 5pm. For those who are unable to make due to one thing or another, pls try to turn up, even if its for a couple of hours or less. This is better than not getting started at all. I'll be leaving you guys, actors alone to exchange lines in the classroom, as I'll be having a workshop. But i'll becoming around time and again to check on your progress. Pls note, that tho this sounds simple.. its vvvvvv impt as you need actions and lines from someone else and allow their energy to bounce off you. You definitely need training face to face for this. I will also personally train you on voice projection, body language and stage presence etc. The props people.. we cannot delay any longer, hence, i will be purchasing all the props we'll need for the play, together with the cardboard collected from jonathan, we'll need to start on the props. Pls bring along a clean set of clothes just incase you paint yourself, or wear a trash bag! Pls bring scissors/ penknife/ long ruler / stationery/If you have styroform boxes unwanted... pls donate as well!! ;p

March 12th, wednesday 9am - 4pm
(Auditions for leading roles will be conducted for pple who think they can take on at 10am.) We will continue w script rehearsals and i'll conduct training as stated above. Props will be made at the same time.

March 14th, friday 9am - 4pm
Hopefully by this date, we'll have some props done up for use. Actors should also bring along their costumes from home and possible props to be used for their roles. All costumes and props will be kept in the class for safeguarding in the metal cupboard.

March 17th, 19th, 21st, monday, wed, fri, immediate after sch - 4pm (Those who need lunch can go ahead and return, those who ate during recess, can start first so we dun waste time. Those who have ccas pls attend.) Rehearsal, props making, sounds (we might need to go to the recording studio to edit sounds or create sounds.. they have excellent MAC pcs there for use, we'll need the giant to record loud "FEE FI FO FUM"... and sounds made by cow ;p) I doubt you know that there is a recording studio in our school. Really cool place.

I know its going to hectic and tiring.. do help each other thru this period k. Its going to be a great success and it'll be great fun and bonding.. hmmm...i can't wait to take pictures of the whole process to update the rest of the class.. This blog is gonna be so filled!!! ;p O and for the confirmed pple... I will be getting t-shirts for you.. it'll say: VS1G2008 DramaFest and the word "CREW" at the back. Any feedback? ;p

Ok ok.. I hope youdo some real thinking on your roles and be prepared for the tough road ahead for the next month. ... I'll be handing you the scripts on fri if possible.. ya.. i think i will.. I'll likely work thru the night to give you your scripts.. hahahha..

Oh.. and plsssssss let your parents know that they are most welcome to attend the trainings with you on wed and fri during the holidays.... i will need all the help i can get... If they are available of coz. ;p I'll be sooooo glad to have some help and critics for the big show....
(Dear parents.. I soooooo hope you are reading this.. ;p)

Til then...
Mrs Melissa Lim

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Class Decoration - Judging for Best Class Award 08

Dear all,

The date for the class decoration judging will be held after the holidays on the 19th March, wed.

Hence, to be able to compete in this event, we have to ensure that the class is done up before this date. Can the welfare committee pls make a note of this and get the following checklist done by the 18th March 2008?

1. Ensure all fabrics stays put on walls.
2. Fill up the book shelves with games, magazines, comics, books.
3. Blinds up hung up above the doors, front and back.
4. Windows are decorated with the words "1G"
5. Create a class moto and logo on wall above notice board. Obtain the logo from me. Moto: Pls think and let me have your ideas.
6. Fill up air-bed for CCC. (Can pass this to you on friday)
7. Stick print out photos on cork-board, hang it up on wall next to tent.
8. Table decor
9. Notices on boards are in order.

Thank you, guys. If there are things you need help on, do let me know. Otherwise, Jeremy can you delegate the jobs to each person.

Mrs Melissa Lim

Class 1G's Play for DramaFest 2008

Hi Guys,

I dunno how excited you guys are. But I am really really excited. We have so little time yet so much to do. I will really love to involve the whole class and get all the help that we need since we are just 1 month away from the performance.

Thank you for your participation in this play, for those who have v gladly signed up, whether its for props, sound lights or acting roles. Every little effort to help in this performance will really help alot... and whether we make it, or make a fool outta ourselves... will really depend on the support of the class. ;p I hope you'll all have an enjoyable time together rehearsing for this production. I'm sure it'll be incredibly memorable.

For those who have not turned up today, but are willing to lend a hand.... We are collecting cardboard boxes for making props, so do bring them to school if you have them. And yes, stuff like magazines and books for the CCC as well.

Thank you. I'll see you guys on monday for our 1st training and the handing out of the scripts.
Mrs Melissa Lim

Monday, March 3, 2008

Little Thoughts For The Day

Hi Guys,

I've been pretty pleased with the class, and really glad how you guys have worked together so far. And in the past weeks, seen improvements and efforts made, class spirit built up, how you guys are becoming more tolerant and forgiving of each other, how some of you have matured over this short period of 10 weeks. (Good for you..)

Over at morning assembly today, I made an observation... that the class was generally well behaved, everyone had a book, everyone had a tie and I did not have to remind you to button your shirts up and wear the tie smartly. I think we've moved on and have improved.. and with every little effort to do so, you deserve a pat on the back. (I really think we can still work on the noise level in class.. )

"Do we have what it takes to be the best class?"

I think we should all aim to be the best in all that we do. Not just to be the best class, frankly, that's just a little race, but to be the best in spirit, in attitude and in behaviour.... best in taking initiative and responsibility in your learning... best! Not only in school, but at home, to your parents and your siblings. Not only in academic work but the willingness to share and pay it forward.

The Question is: "Can we be the BEST? and.. sustain it through the years and beyond? (Do you have an answer now? I wonder...)

Darren once asked me,"Mam, what's your star sign?" (I'm sure he has probably approached you.) My answer: "What do you think?" He made several guesses but did not get it right. I'm a Virgo. Nikhil once said in exclamation,"What!! You expect everything to be Purr..fect, is it???" Well... YES! (Virgos are perfectionist.. well, at least they try to be perfect in all that they do... no compromises.) I have always believed, that, one must give your best in all that you do & do it well. Reach for the stars, strive for what you believe & dream, make sacrifices and seize all opportunities opened to you, gain experiences, learn from failures and keep trying. (Ok, some of you might be finding it a nag now... but if a little part of you understand what i'm saying and where i'm heading to, and of coz, agree with me.. well.. that's a good start.)

Make full use of this chance at secondary 1... Make as many friends as possible... widen your social circle and make the BEST out of this prime time in your secondary school life, where it's going to be most fun and memorable.

Sorry, if it bores you. That's my nagging instinct talking. Have a great week. The holidays are near..... YIPPEEEEE!!!!! ;p

Mrs Melissa Lim