Friday, March 28, 2008

1G Class Bowling Tournament

Dear guys,

Below is an email to your parents. However, some mails got bounced and was undelivered. Hence, pls kindly allow your parents to view this from our blog. Thanks. ;p

Dear Parents,

We would like to inform you that the 1G class committee is planning a class outing on the last day of school at the end of the term on 23rdMay 2008. We'll be having a class bowling tournament, of which both parent and son will team up with another team of parent-son against the rest of the class. This bowling tournament is planned in the afternoon at approx. 2pm atEast coast park Marine Bowl and should last about 2-3 hours.

This activity aims to provide more class interaction amongst the pupils and a mini casual 'Meet The Parents' session for FT and AFT, this will also hopefully, provide an opportunity for the parents to meet other parents and for them to know the classmates and friends whom their child is hanging out with.

Class 1G and I would like to invite you to this special class event where parents and sons can join hands in a game of skittles and mingles. Hence, pls kindly inform me if you are able to make it to this event by replying via email or through your son. Information and participation forms will be given out once all planning is completed in end April.

Prizes and trophies awaits you! We are looking forward to see you!
Have a good weekend ahead.
Mrs Melissa Lim & 1G class committee

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