Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rules Of Life (Lesson 2)

Today, I would like to share with you a couple more rules today.

Rule 3 - Know What Counts & What Doesn't
Some things in life are important and there are a whole lot of things that are not. Eg. Having time with our families and friends are important, but watching the latest movie isn't. Nurturing and learning the right values are important, dressing nice in branded and designer fashion isn't. Do more of what counts and should mean more than those things that fall under trivia in our lives.
(Think: What is important to you? BUT you are not doing them enough.... )

Rule 4 - Be Flexible In Your Thinking
If you think you know it all, have a crystallised thinking, you are done for and have lost the battle. To get most outta your life, always keep your options open, be flexible in thinking, open-minded to accept options and opportunities that come your way. (Think: Are you always mixing around with the same pple? Do you give others an opportunity to know you, and for you to know them? Do you stereo-type? Are you racist?)

Rule 5 - Be On The Side Of Angels, Not The Beasts *******
Every single day of our lives we are faced with an immense no. of choices... and more often than not, these choices boils down to being on the side of angels or beasts. (Which are you going to pick?) Every action we make has an effect on our family, pple around us, the society, the world in general. It can sometimes be a difficult choice, and its important that we set parameters for ourselves constantly as a guide and a reminder.

I hope these little rules of life can serve as a little form of inspiration and reminders for all of you.
(Think: What are you? What do you wanna be? What do you eventually wanna teach your future generations and the world in general? What do you wanna be remembered as?)

Mrs Melissa Lim

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