Wednesday, March 26, 2008

If I Were You... ;(

This is seriously one of the most horrid day of the year for both me and Ms Boey. By now, I suppose all of you should know why.

Darren has v irresponsibly left his laptop in class during lunch, which was not locked. The new laptop is now missing. At this point, I muz admit that we have no clue who the culprit was or if someone is trying to safe keep for the poor guy, who is due for a terrible lashing from his dad.
Let me sum up in brief this issue.

Since, the last time we all started to tighten our security in class, lock all doors, and look out for our friends, NO SUCH CRIMES HAVE OCCURRED. Now, unfortunately for Darren, he forgot what I had so often PREACHED, and left his valuables in the class with NO ONE AROUND TO LOOK OUT FOR HIM. You have all let your guard down.... who can we blame?

Tell me... who in the right frame of mind will do this? Who is trying to be the 'good' friend here... not to remind him that he should carry his laptop with him everywhere he goes? Why is there no one to lock the doors? What is the class committee doing? Are all of you sleeping? Do you all just care and bother about yourselves? What is wrong with all of you? I am really in dismay at how irresponsible, careless, completely self-centred you guys are to just mind your own business. I really have no idea. BUT let me tell you what I have an idea about:

1. Whoever the culprit is, you have a choice to own up. If you ask me, I doubt Darren is bearing any high hopes of getting his laptop bag, tho I know he won't zzzz tonight and will not dare to since his dad is likely to come back and find out about this whole issue... and cane him. The poor guy did not even dare to go home and stayed with me til almost 6 this evening. (Think about that.)

2. You have up til 1pm tomorrow to OWN UP. If you dare to do it, I dun see why you dun dare to own up. Frankly, I do think some of you do have moral issues, under peer pressure etc etc... (No, I have no time to see your problem and your reasonings at this juncture. Sorry.)

3. IF NO ONE OWNS UP, Darren's mother is going to the police at 5pm tomorrow. By then, it will not be a school issue, it'll be a nation's issue and what you will be facing is a CRIMINAL charge under the law. I WILL SHOW YOU NO SYMPATHY.

4. Question: "So, the police are informed... so what?" Answer: The police will investigate and find out as much as possible. They will interrogate you and your friends, they will view the videos, or they might apply forensic science, CSI... you should all be quite familiar with that.

5. So what the odds that they'll find evidence?? Well... you can take your chances. BUT, IF YOU DO NOT OWN UP, YOU ARE AT THE LOSING END. Why? COZ YOU HAVE LOST YOURSELF. ... COMPLETELY! You can challenge me.. but note, the WINNER has been determined at this point already. (Read my previous post... "Your actions determine the person you are, the upbringing you have, your parents and all that you'll ever be." Too Chim for you... well.. I expected it anyway. Sorry, its my very disappointed me talking, at this point, its being tactless. But I really have no more energy to curb my tongue.) Yes, you may have gained in a material sense, but no, you have lost what is most important to you. Your INTEGRITY! (All you guys, must know this.... you can lose all things possible, but NEVER ever lose yourself and your self worth. OR YOU ARE NOTHING!(No matter how well you are in your studies, how rich you are or how handsome you look!)

6. Darren, I hope you'll get back your laptop. But if you dun, TRUST ME... What you have lost today, will be returned to you as a valuable lesson ever learnt, for you, and your friends. Its an expensive price to pay, but at least you have learnt to be wiser and mature from this. I am glad to see you able to face the music / conductor's stick and admit your mistake to your parents. You will grow from this and gain strength, afterall you know the saying: "Spare the rod and spoil the child." I am sure your parents are proud of you despite the punishment.

7. All of you should learn to respect yourself and your friends. My dad always tells me: "Your body is a temple, keep it clean and free of evil." Was it a nag? Yes it was. Was it a pain listening? Yes it was and still is. Was it worth my time? Definitely. Are you courageous to tell on your friends when you know its wrong? Are you free of evil? Do you harbour crude thoughts? Do you empathise? What are you made of? Do you even know? What have you been taught? What are you learning? What will you teach your future generations and your own children? These are questions I constantly remind myself.. as a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a teacher. yes i nag at myself, my friends say I talk to myself... maybe I'm bipolar, I dunno. What I do know is that I can differentiate the good and the evil. CAN YOU???

I AM SO DISAPPOINTED..... & HOPE ITS NOT ONE OF YOU, Coz I would be so ASHAMED.. as it is now, I would wish the earth would swallow me. (However, you are all suspects as there is no reason why any one else from the other classes will take his laptop since it is not common that pupils bring their laptops to school. The class was not ransacked and it all appears that this was INTENTIONAL.)

8. By recess tomorrow, the videos will be viewed. No questions will be further asked thereafter. And both me and Ms Boey will be waiting for you to own up and admit your mistake. Should we see no one after 1pm. We'll call Darren's mom and allow her to go ahead with her report to the authorities.

I hope I am very clear with what I have mentioned in the above. If its not you.. fine and good, you learnt something valuable today... a lesson you'll remember for a long time I believe. If you know who did it... I hope you'll do what is right... if its you, you have a choice before you reach a point of NO RETURN.

Sleep on what I've said.
(Sorry if I have used any form of harsh words. I have called a thousand pple this evening, hours on the heated up handphone. My mind is heated, my heart is heated. I can't think straight and dun think I can possibly zzz tonight. I dun believe I'm acting like this, but I am sooooooo disappointed that I can't imagine if my son will turn out this way. Ok i think I am so seriously going mental. Someone console me! I am so disgustingly sad!)

I shall say no more... I just spent more than an hour typing this.. HOW GREAT IS THAT! Time for a cold shower... i can feel hot air rising from my head.

Mrs Melissa Lim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am soooooooo seriously sorry for giving all of you so much was my fault that I lost my laptop, but I got so many ppl involved. Sorry again