Friday, March 28, 2008

Rules Of Life (Lesson 3)

Here's more insights from 'Rules Of Life'. I am so enjoying ths book. It inspires me and I can't wait to finish it!

Rule 6 - Count to 10 - Or recite 'Baa Baa Black Sheep'.
Somewhere, somehow, sometime.... someone will like and attempt to 'press your button' (Imagine you are a little robot and you have an ON/OFF switch button. And the player comes along and decides when he will turn you on or off.) Its your anger button I am talking about btw. Anyway, before you react, get angry, response negatively or are ready to self-defend, collect your wits and calm down... count to 10, sing a song in your head and at the same time, find an appropriate response. (You'll realise that as you count, you will feel less anger in you, you'll eventually calm down and think in a clearer light. )

Rule 7 - Aim To Be The Very BEST At Everything You Do - NOT Second Best!
I love this rule. This is something I live by and aim to achieve. This is the Virgo's pride as I had mentioned in my previous posts. Hahah.. ;p Sometimes it can be quite adverse for me as I get angry with myself at times if I fail to perform. hmmm..

Anyway, this rule is a tall order, and seriously difficult. I believe in this and that can really be seen, i think. My husband calls me a perfectionist, he is upset that I refuse to have a second kid. Not that I dun like kids, but I feel that I should give my best to Mikael at this point in time. My very Best, as his mother. As a teacher, I give in my best as well (I am not sure how you feel about it, but I welcome feedback. ;p) As a pupil at your age, I was frankly alot like you, and it was one of my greatest regrets in life, I felt that I had not given my best and it would been much better if I had heeded my parents' advice. (Yes, so really.. I'm speaking from experience.) M dad used to tell me how I should always aim beyond 100% for everything. Be focussed and be in the 'moment'. "Failing is ok if you gave your BEST, but aiming for 2nd place is NOT."

Have a great weekend.
Mrs Melissa Lim

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