Monday, March 3, 2008

Little Thoughts For The Day

Hi Guys,

I've been pretty pleased with the class, and really glad how you guys have worked together so far. And in the past weeks, seen improvements and efforts made, class spirit built up, how you guys are becoming more tolerant and forgiving of each other, how some of you have matured over this short period of 10 weeks. (Good for you..)

Over at morning assembly today, I made an observation... that the class was generally well behaved, everyone had a book, everyone had a tie and I did not have to remind you to button your shirts up and wear the tie smartly. I think we've moved on and have improved.. and with every little effort to do so, you deserve a pat on the back. (I really think we can still work on the noise level in class.. )

"Do we have what it takes to be the best class?"

I think we should all aim to be the best in all that we do. Not just to be the best class, frankly, that's just a little race, but to be the best in spirit, in attitude and in behaviour.... best in taking initiative and responsibility in your learning... best! Not only in school, but at home, to your parents and your siblings. Not only in academic work but the willingness to share and pay it forward.

The Question is: "Can we be the BEST? and.. sustain it through the years and beyond? (Do you have an answer now? I wonder...)

Darren once asked me,"Mam, what's your star sign?" (I'm sure he has probably approached you.) My answer: "What do you think?" He made several guesses but did not get it right. I'm a Virgo. Nikhil once said in exclamation,"What!! You expect everything to be Purr..fect, is it???" Well... YES! (Virgos are perfectionist.. well, at least they try to be perfect in all that they do... no compromises.) I have always believed, that, one must give your best in all that you do & do it well. Reach for the stars, strive for what you believe & dream, make sacrifices and seize all opportunities opened to you, gain experiences, learn from failures and keep trying. (Ok, some of you might be finding it a nag now... but if a little part of you understand what i'm saying and where i'm heading to, and of coz, agree with me.. well.. that's a good start.)

Make full use of this chance at secondary 1... Make as many friends as possible... widen your social circle and make the BEST out of this prime time in your secondary school life, where it's going to be most fun and memorable.

Sorry, if it bores you. That's my nagging instinct talking. Have a great week. The holidays are near..... YIPPEEEEE!!!!! ;p

Mrs Melissa Lim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name was mentioned... -.-||
But anyway, none of you told me your star signs yet...tell me please?